More about Wild Dagga
Wild Dagga (Leonotis leonurus) is native to South Africa. This plant is related to the mint and has a beautiful bright colour. She can grow up to 1.50 meters high and loves the bright sun, which makes her orange colours bloom. Perhaps this is where her other name, Lion's tail, comes from. The flowers she produces are resinous and full of nectar and very popular with butterflies and bees.
Wild cannabis
Leonotis leonurus is mildly psychoactive when smoked or when drunk as a tea. The Hottentots and Bushmen smoked the leaves as a stimulant. The name 'wild dagga' means 'wild cannabis'.
The effects of euphoria and relaxation are mild and a light alternative to weed.
You can expect a mild anaesthetic and a mild euphoric feeling. It may take time to fully experience the effects. It can help you to relax more. Leonotis leonurus has traditionally been used as an antihistamine and for its anti-spasmodic effects. It was also used for digestive problems, snake bites, skin problems, problems with menstruation, parasites, coughs, colds ...
Smoking, vaporizing or as a tea
Wild dagga can be used in different ways. In the traditional way it is smoked, pure, or combined with tobacco or other herbs. It also serves well in a joint as a substitute for tobacco. In a vaporizer you can be sure that all the active ingredients are preserved. One of the ingredients in Leonotis leonurus is the mild psychoactive substance leonurine. This substance is also found in a number of other plants that are related to wild dagga. Sometimes these plants are sold as wild dagga, so make sure you buy from a reliable source!
As a tea, Leonotis leonurus is a wonderfully warming and relaxing drink.
Soak in half a litre of hot water for 15 minutes to make tea.
Scientific name
Leonotis Leonurus