Searching for a productive and easy to grow plant? Wappa might be the plant you are looking for. Selectively bred from the biggest and juiciest plants, Wappa is sure to thrive and continuously produce healthy and abundant buds.
Wappa is a robust indica plant that will surely please the manicurists out there with its lower than average amount of sugar leaves. Being of a medium size and very compact, this plant is an excellent choice for those with limited growing space.
It can perform equally well both indoors and outdoors and, with some sunshine, it will surely give you a very happy surprise. For the northern cultivators, Wappa can deliver just about enough nuggets to store for the winter months. For those from southern regions, it can be a source of abundance.
In terms of effects, Wappa is intense but not overwhelming. As an indica, it will give you the typical relaxed feeling but without throwing you onto the bed. Instead, Wappa will give you just about the right amount of relaxation to keep you going through the day. Wappa is also popular amongst medical patients.