Tabletop & Desktop vaporizers
Desktop vaporizers often use the convection (hot air) technique and are wired to mains power, making them ideal for indoor home use. A desktop vaporizer generally offers the most possibilities: evaporation of both dry herbs, as well as concentrates in liquid or solid form; precise temperature setting for perfect vapor; and, in some cases, you can also choose between direct inhalation via a tube or filling a balloon. At Sirius, you can discover the top tabletop brands in the market.
Desktop vaporizers: Elevate your vaporizing experience
Desktop vaporizers produce a lot more vapor than portable vaporizers because they are electrically propelled. Your weed, herbs and concentrates, as well as the heating chamber they are in, are heated more fiercely because of the strong power supply. Typically, the premium tabletop vaporizers available at Sirius provide a larger filling chamber, superior taste and flavor, and more powerful heating for your herbs or concentrates compared to portable devices. If you're an avid vaper with a strong interest in enhanced experiences or a cannabis enthusiast who prioritizes quality and powerful indoor sessions with strong effects, our desktop vaporizers are a must-have for your home.
Innovative and powerful desktop vaporizer brands
At, we offer a range of high-end desktop vaporizer brands that are perfect for both beginners and experienced users. If you're looking for a stationary vaporizer that offers not only powerful vapor and flavor but also reliability and longevity, you're in the right place. Understanding that there are many options out there, we at Sirius carefully select only the best brands in the market for our desktop vaporizer collection. Our selection focuses on innovative, robust, well-tested, and highly reviewed models. These surpass the typical, cheap vaporizers for dry herbs in terms of quality and features, offering a superior experience.
Explore our top desktop vaporizer brands
The Crafty+ and Mighty+ are excellent portable vaporizers, but for home use, the Volcano from the renowned Storz & Bickel, is unbeatable. It's an incredibly user-friendly desktop vaporizer, and with the new Volcano Hybrid model, you get a device that's smart, powerful, and durable. At Sirius, we provide a range of premium stationary vaporizers from top brands like Arizer. You can be confident that any desktop vaporizer you choose from us will be the right choice, ensuring you can't go wrong.
Home vaporizers vs. smoking: Which is better?
Using our home vaporizers definitely offers advantages over smoking in many respects. Many users consider vaporizing healthier because it avoids the use of an open flame and combustion by-products, and this perspective could be valid in some aspects. However, at Sirius, we recognize that vaping isn't completely without risks compared to smoking. Considering this, making the switch to vaporizing and using any of our premium desktop vaporizers is a very smart decision if you enjoy dry herbs and concentrates and value flavor, potency, efficiency, and an enhanced overall experience.
Long-term cost-effective vaporization with tabletop vaporizers
Our high-end tabletop vaporizers not only provide a cleaner and more potent experience with fewer toxins, thanks to their controlled heating process for herb extraction, but they also offer long-term cost-effectiveness because they could easily be a one-time purchase that can last a lifetime with proper cleaning. Additionally, they require less weed to achieve your desired effects. This is a significant advantage when using tabletop vaporizers for cannabis, herbs, and concentrates. Desktop vaporizers may also assist you in reducing usage while effectively delivering your desired effects and delightful flavor, especially in comparison to smoking.
How to choose your tabletop vaporizer?
Take into consideration the following questions when choosing our tabletop vaporizers and also be aware of new rules. If you're in the Netherlands: you can't buy vaporizers online anymore. For more detailed information, check out our blog page that further explains why Vaporizers may no longer be sold online.
Where will I be using the desktop vaporizer?
This is one of the first questions you should ask yourself when considering the purchase of a desktop vaporizer. If your intention is to use it primarily indoors, such as in your home or for social gatherings, then it is the right choice.
What kinds of cannabis products or other herbs will I use?
If you want to efficiently use various cannabis types like dry-herbs, concentrates, hash oil and maximize the potential of your medicinal or recreational sessions, a tabletop vaporizer is an excellent choice. Tabletop vaporizers provide great functionality, steady performance, and a wide range of parts and accessories, allowing you to easily experiment and discover your unique vaporization style and preferred temperatures at the comfort of your home. Additionally, stationary vaporizers can also be used for aromatherapy to derive therapeutic benefits or simply enhance room fragrance.
Do I want a thicker vapor and flavors or just want to experience the effects of my weed?
Deciding on your preferred method for consuming weed is essential before investing in a desktop vaporizer. Although smoking some joints might be enough in achieving the effects you seek, using a high-end tabletop vaporizer takes your experience to a whole different level of pure thicker vapor, deliciousness and overall experience.
Discover the best desktop vaporizer brands at
At Sirius, we aim to guide you in selecting the best home vaporizer brands that suit your needs. These vaporizers are perfect for both extended solo sessions and group enjoyment, thanks to their power source beyond just batteries. Engaging in vaporizing sessions with friends can be an amazing and social activity. Choosing a premium tabletop vaporizer, carefully chosen by our team at Sirius, enhances this experience by ensuring both quality and efficiency. It's a great way to share rich flavors, potent clouds and fun moments, making home parties, celebrations, and social gatherings even more special.
If you're unsure about which tabletop vaporizer brand to choose, or have any questions, please don't hesitate to call us today! Our knowledgeable team is always ready to assist you.