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World's best assorted online smart shop
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Vacancy all-round employee

Are you coming to join our team?

In 1995 Sirius opened the first smartshop in Maastricht in the south of the country, and soon the first Sirius > products appeared on the market. Today you will find our extensive range of top quality products in almost every smartshop, and in addition to our wholesale we have 2 stores in the south of the Netherlands in Maastricht and Roermond and of course this 5 stars webshop.

Our long history and wide interest has ensured that we have unparalleled knowledge in the field of psychoactive substances, food supplements and medicinal herbs. Sirius > Smart Galleries and Sirius > Products are the beginning of tasty and responsibly 'going crazy'.

We are looking for

For our versatile company we are looking for an all-round employee, flexibly deployable for multitasking with regard to our webshop, in our wholesale and if necessary in our physical shops.

For our webshop we are looking for multitaskers who are engaged in the execution of the received orders and customer service, both by e-mail and by phone.
We are also looking for our webshop for content writers (Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian) with knowledge of SEO, who have an affinity with who we are, what we stand for and what we sell.

In our wholesale you are partly responsible for keeping the stock in order and up to date, placing orders with suppliers and accepting orders from customers, and you perform logistic activities such as order picking, packing in boxes and arranging express shipments and deliveries to our own stores. If you function well, your tasks and responsibilities can be expanded. Think of contributions to the webshop, thinking about product range expansion and working on (telephone) sales campaigns.

In our physical shops, you are primarily concerned with selling our products, providing the right information - if applicable - for safe and responsible use. For this purpose, you will learn more about dietary supplements, mind-altering agents and vaporizers, and your acquired knowledge will be kept up to date by following current developments in these areas. You ensure that products are delivered quickly and conveniently come to the right place. During your working hours you feel responsible for what happens in 'your' shop: you do everything you can to ensure that it is neat, the cash register and supplies are correct, and to prevent irregularities such as theft.

Your character

​We are also looking for new team members in our production and stock and warehouse management department.
Here you will help to turn semi-finished products into ready for sale products, place orders with our suppliers in order to continuously maintain the stock levels for our entire company, check incoming goods for our high quality standard and to keep our warehouse in tip-top order.

Are you interested? Fill in the form below

You can also mail a letter of application with your CV to: jobs@sirius[.]nl

or send it with carrier pigeon to:

Future Necessities B.V. / Sirius
Bergstraat 23 - 25 , 6131AV Sittard
subject: "job application".

For more information, please call 046 - 45 75 800 (Luc or Guy).

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FREE shipping in NL from € 20,- Delivery in EU within 1-3 working days* Always a free gift with your order
Worlds best assorted online smartshop Excellent
Based on 6.243 reviews
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Please take into account the legislation of the country to which you want your orders to be sent. Our webshop is subject to Dutch law.

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Our physical Sirius Smart Shops are also OPEN

in Roermond NL Hamstraat 15 
and Maastricht NL Oude Tweebergenpoort 7A
and Venlo NL Kleine Beekstraat 5 

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Unfortunately, it is not possible to send our entire range to all countries. However, it is sometimes possible to send products in different packages.

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