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Spongepot is a Dutch company that focuses on easy and organic germination for the best results. Spongepot provides a germination set that allows you to germinate your favorite vegetables and flowers as easily as possible. Using this germination tray is a practical and effective method for starting seeds and nurturing young plants. These trays are designed with compartments or cells that help organize and separate individual seeds and seedlings. Spongepot is easy to use and a must for the true gardener.

Navigation: Spongepot sale Spongepot products Reasons to use the germination set of Spongepot The benefits of Spongepot Benefits 2 How to use the Spongepot?  Step-by-step Conclusion

Reasons to use the germination set of Spongepot

The germination set of Spongepot offers several benefits for gardeners of all levels and those looking to start plants from seeds. Here is a list of advantages:

1. Controlled environment

The germination sets provide a controlled and stable environment for seedlings. You can regulate factors like temperature, humidity, and light, which can be challenging outdoors.

2. Higher success rates

Seeds planted in these germination trays tend to have a higher germination rate. The controlled condition minimizes the risk of seeds being washed away or affected by pests.

3. Early start

Allow your seeds to start indoors before the outdoor growing begins. This gives your plants a head start and extends your growing season.

4. Space efficiency

The germination tray is divided into compartments or cells, which optimizes space efficiency. You can start many seeds in a compact area, making it ideal for small gardens or limited spaces.

5. Easy monitoring

Because the seedlings are contained in separate cells, with Spongepot, it is easy to monitor every plant’s growth and health. This enables you to identify and address any issues promptly.

6. Reduced transplant shock

When it is time to transplant seedlings into the garden, their roots are well-developed, reducing transplant shock and increasing their chances of survival.

7. Organized planting

These germination sets help you organize your planting. You can label each compartment, making it easy to track what you have planted and where. This is especially helpful when growing (many) different plant varieties.

8. Less waste

Spongepots allow you to have precise control over the number of seeds you plant, you can minimize waste. You will not end up with excess seedlings that you cannot use.

9. Protection from weather

Young seedlings can be vulnerable to adverse weather conditions like frost or heavy rain. Spongepot protects until the seedlings are strong enough to be planted outside.

 10. Experimentation

If you are a keen gardener, Spongepot allows you to experiment with different plant varieties and growing conditions without committing them to the garden until they are ready.

11. Year-round planting

With indoor grow lights, Spongepot enables year-round planting, so you are not limited to just one growing season.

The benefits of Spongepot

Spongepot benefit repottingOne of the benefits of Spongepot is the organic bonding of the mix of peat and coconut as it does not fall apart when repotting. This keeps the root system intact and your seedlings will take root faster and better after repotting.

Spongepot benefit seedsSpongepot is suitable for germinating all seeds, such as herbs, vegetables, flowers, and plants, as long as they fit in the compartments or cells of the tray.

Spongepot soilThe accompanying soil conditioner consists of a mix of beneficial soil bacteria and fungi that promote the growth of a healthy root system. As in the wild, this will make your plants less susceptible to insect pests and plant diseases.

spongepot air humidity ratioThe Spongepot is packed with moisture and therefore retains its air-like structure, allowing the roots to grow easily. This airy structure and the added coconut soil create an optimal air-moisture ratio which means that the young sprouts will not be easily overwatered.

How to use the Spongepot? 

1. Take the tray and sachet with soil conditioner out of the package. Unlike regular germination trays, there is no need to fill the tray of Spongepot with soil beforehand. The compartments are already carefully filled up with the most ideal amount of soil. Guaranteeing that a small gap is left at the top. 

2. Dissolve the sachet with the soil conditioner in 1 liter of lukewarm water (between 21°C and 26°C or between 70°F and 79°F).

3. Divide this dissolved liquid carefully to water all the compartments of the Spongepot.

4. Wait and avoid overwatering by allowing excess water to drain away. You can also use this opportunity to see if there is proper drainage happening. Improper drainage can cause mold or rotting of your seeds or seedlings.

5. Use one seed per compartment or cell. Follow the specific planting instructions for the seeds that you are growing. The Spongepots already have a hole so you can put the seed inside. Make sure you place the seed 3 to 5 mm in the soil. 

Spongepot manual first steps

6. Optional, but recommended if applicable: label each section if you are planting different types of seeds.

7. Then, place the tray under a temperature between 22°C and 26°C (or between 72°F and 79°F). You can opt for yourself if you want to cover the tray or not. The covering can help in creating a greenhouse effect that helps to trap the moisture and warmth. If you wish to do so, you can use a plastic wrap to loosely cover the Spongepot.

8. Place the tray in a location with enough indirect sunlight or use grow lights. Young seedlings need sufficient (sun)light to grow strong and healthy.

9. Leave the rest to nature and enjoy how your seeds germinate and grow into healthy seedlings. However, regularly check the moisture level of the soil and adjust watering as needed. Keep an eye on your seedlings for signs of growth.

10. After 3 to 7 days, the seedlings are ready to be repotted. Transplant them entirely into larger containers or your garden. You will know they are ready to be repotted if they have developed sturdy roots and true leaves. During repotting, make sure you maintain appropriate spacing.

Spongepot manual second steps

So, the Spongepot is a must-have for the true gardeners! Using Spongepot can significantly improve the success rate of seedlings, making it a valuable tool for gardeners looking to start plants from the seeds. They enhance seed germination rates, provide a controlled environment, and offer space-saving solutions, making the process from seed to plant more efficient and successful. Just remember to provide the right conditions, care, and attention to help your seedlings thrive. Happy (and easy) growing!

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