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No tobacco and no nicotine > All Knaster mixtures contain carefully matched herbs, some of which have a long Indian tradition. Knaster is an excellent and well-known tobacco alternative that offers safer and more enjoyable smoking experiences. Smoking tobacco is a dangerous habit that can lead to serious health problems, and mixing cannabis and tobacco can ruin the high of the weed. By using a herbal mixture from Knaster, cannabis smokers can avoid the negative effects of tobacco. Knaster is, at least to our opinion, one of the best options for those who want to enjoy smoking without the risks associated with tobacco use. Because Knaster comes in many different flavors, we are sure that everyone will find a herbal mix that suits their taste!

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Why should you use Knaster? 

Here in Europe, it is quite common to combine cannabis in a joint with tobacco. Many weed smokers, who do not want to smoke cigarettes, can develop a nicotine dependency through regularly smoking joints mixed with tobacco. Smoking tobacco is a dangerous habit that can lead to serious health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide, and it is estimated that smoking kills over eight million people each year. The dangers of smoking tobacco are well-documented, and it is clear that smokers who want to avoid these health risks need to find an alternative to traditional tobacco products. Additionally, the nicotine in tobacco interferes with the psychoactive effects of THC; the active ingredient of cannabis. This interaction can lead to a less enjoyable high, and weed smokers may experience nausea or headaches. Because of these reasons, a popular alternative to smoking tobacco is the use of a tobacco substitute like Knaster. Knaster offers a safe and natural alternative to smoking tobacco that provides a similar smoking experience without the harmful effects. The unique blend of natural herbs used in Knaster is carefully crafted to provide a satisfying and enjoyable smoking experience that is free from the harmful chemicals and additives found in traditional tobacco products.

Knaster Sheriff and Mellow Yellow – the original Knaster

Knaster “Sheriff” arrived in coffeeshops in the mid-90s to improve indoor air. Knaster also appeared under the name “Mellow Yellow” at that time at different locations. These two have similar ingredients but are slightly different: Knaster Sheriff contains damiana leaves, vine leaves, hop flowers, fermented blackberry leaves and aromatic flowers. Knaster Mellow Yellow includes Elder flower, American red clover, dandelion flowers, skullcap, fermented blackberry leaves, and hemp (0% THC). Both mixes provide a soft and natural smoking experience. 

Different Knaster flavors – something for everyone

While the classic Knaster mixes might not suit everyone's taste, Sirius’ online Smartshop offers not less than 7 different Knaster mixes, out of which one is sure to match your preferences.

  • Knaster Red is inspired by North American smoking traditions and contains American red clover, fermented blackberry leaves, and other aromatic herbs from North America.  
  • Knaster Hemp includes a larger quantity of hemp flowers for those who can’t get enough of that cannabis aroma. 
  • Knaster Fresh includes mint and thereby provides an incredibly fresh smoking experience, perfect for those who used to enjoy menthol cigarettes. 
  • Knaster Cherry, as the name suggests, includes cherry leaves for an extra fruity aroma. 
  • With Knaster Vanilla you have an extra sweet herbal mix that goes well together with exotic cannabis strains. 
  • Knaster Whiskey has a very special aroma that is perfect for old-school smokers. 
  • Knaster Special Quality is the most top-notch herbal mix when it comes to purity and quality. Ideal for those that prefer the classic Knaster mix but want to make sure it is extra good.

Organic Cannabis smoking with Knaster and Sirius 

If you want to have the safest, most organic and natural weed smoking experience, then you should not only use Knaster instead of tobacco, but you should also grow your own biological cannabis. We at Sirius support having your own cannabis plants as long as it is legal in your country. Check out our online Seedshop for high quality cannabis seeds and our online Growshop for all the necessities for (indoor) cannabis growing! Of course, the healthiest way to smoke cannabis and/or Knaster is to use a vaporizer, which can also be bought at Sirius! If you have any questions about Knaster or safer use of Cannabis, feel free to contact our customer service or visit one of our smart shops in Maastricht or Roermond. 

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