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Coffee is undoubtedly the most widely used natural stimulant in the world.  But there are countless other energizing plants. At Sirius you will find these in their natural form - dried, for example to make tea - or as an extract in formulas. These are available for various applications: work, study and of course partying. Usually in capsules, so easy to take with you and to ingest.

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Natural energizers of the highest quality

Do you have a party to go to, but are you feeling tired? Then raise your energy level with our natural energy resources. We have plenty in our assortment! These formulas give you more energy until the early hours, based on natural substances only. The next day you don't have a hangover. At least, not of the natural energy resources from our smartshop.

More energy, naturally

In our energy assortment you will find all kinds of different energizers. Capsules with vitamins and minerals. 'Party pills' with caffeine and capsules that also ensure that you get into a party mood. Our smart products are always 100% natural and contain no chemical substances. With such a natural energizer, you are assured of a healthy boost of energy that does not cause you headaches or other side effects.

How do the natural energizers work?

In short, Sirius energizers contain natural substances that your body can use as fuel or as an aid to make optimal use of the fuel in your body. For example, synephrine accelerates the metabolism that gives you energy, and caffeine, just like coffee, stimulates your brain, which gives you more energy and makes you feel mentally fit as well. So-called party pills and other energy products with similar ingredients provide more energy and also a cheerful and fit feeling. This way you can enjoy an evening out after a long or difficult day. You can help your body with that and don't have to feed on your reserves.


Our energizers often contain additional added B vitamins and amino acids. These provide a stronger effect because they make it possible to draw energy from, for example, fats. In addition, the vitamins and amino acids also supply your body with the substances necessary to recover better afterwards.

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