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Nowadays, it is not a secret that some people like to take (illicit) substances when they go out to party or just chill with their friends. Without wishing to promote the use of these substances, we do strive, in the context of harm reduction, to make the use of substances that we do not offer in our webshop as safe and responsible as possible. This starts with knowing what you are taking. So be smart and buy a drug test.

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Do-it-yourself drug tests at

Here you find a wide choice of simple do-it-yourself drug tests that will show whether you really have the substance you thought you bought, or even whether it is contaminated. A Drug Testing Kit bought from our online smartshop is cheap and easy to use, and together, all of them cover a wide range of different psychoactive substances. Whether you want to test MDMA, cocaine, magic mushrooms or magic truffles, opiates, GHC or ketamine – you will find a suitable test below. Most drug testing kits offered here give an indication of the substance(s) present. Some test for purity and concentration of active substance(s). Do not take the product if the results of the test show something completely different or are very unclear. For an accurate analysis of a certain substance, have your sample tested by a laboratory.

Why should you use Drug Tests?

If you ended up at this page, there is a good chance that you might consider taking an (illegal) psychoactive substance for whatever reason. We at Sirius do not promote the use of any drugs! Still, it is a fact that recreational drug use was and most likely will always be present throughout society. Current research shows that some of the highly scheduled party drugs, such as psilocybin or MDMA, are actually not that harmful as was proclaimed during the last decades. While the ‘war on drugs’ is certainly not helpful as drug use can never be fully stopped, there are still many risks associated with taking an illegal substance. This is partly because some dealers lace the drugs they sell with dangerous substances, or even sell something completely different. This brings great amounts of risk to the consumer and his surroundings. That is why, if people plan to take drugs anyway, we from Sirius recommend the use of drug test kits to identify the presence of harmful substances and prevent potentially dangerous consequences. Using a drug test kit can ensure that what you want to take is actually what you think it is and prevent an accidental overdose. If you have never used drug testing kits before, then don’t worry – it is actually super easy – keep reading if you want to find out. Of course, the first step is to buy one of the many drug tests that are sold at Sirius’ online smartshop.

Buy drug tests online at Sirius’ online Smartshop

Dive into the vast selection at Sirius' online smartshop, where you can buy drug tests super conveniently. With an array of brands and tests to choose from, acquiring the right drug test has never been more convenient. Our online smartshop provides an easy way to order the drug tests you need, all from the comfort of your home.

EZ Tests – simple do-it-yourself drug test kits

The EZ test drug testing kits available at Sirius are designed to test for a specific drug. As we offer 12 different EZ test drug tests, we are sure that almost everyone will find the drug test kit they need. Whether it’s the EZ Test Ecstasy or the EZ Test Cocaine, each EZ Test kit is tailored to a specific substance and guaranteed to deliver reliable results. Besides these qualitative tests, EZ Test also offers semi-quantitative tests like the EZ Test Cocaine Purity, or the EZ Test MDMA Purity, which allow you to unveil the purity of your substances.

One of the main advantages of the EZ tests is their simplicity. The tests can be performed quickly and easily, with results typically appearing within minutes. So if you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use drug test kit, the EZ drug tests available at are an excellent choice.

miraculix QTests

Miraculix, a progressive university spin-off from Jena, Germany, engages in drug checking to promote safer usage and harm reduction in their home province Thüringen. Additionally, they invented the revolutionary QTests, do-it-yourself quantitative tests for substances like psilocybin, MDMA, LSD, and THC. These tests are revolutionizing the markets, because before them, all tests were usually qualitative or semi-quantitative. Qualitative tests (like the QTests) allow you to precisely measure the concentration of an active substance (in g, mg, or µg).

miraculix Psilo-QTest

The miraculix Psilo-QTest is a user-friendly and highly reliably drug test kit designed to detect the presence of psilocybin in magic mushrooms, magic truffles or even extracts. This allows you to be sure of the dosage of psilocybin you take for your trip, which is especially useful if you want to engage in microdosing. The Psilo-Qtest is designed to be easy to use, with clear instructions that guide users through the testing process step by step. The innovative brand miraculix is one of the first providers of a psilocybin drug test, and we at Sirius are proud to offer the miraculix Psilo-Qtest in our online smartshop. In the near future, we will also offer new miraculix drug tests that are currently in development.

miraculix THC/CBD-QTest

The miraculix THC/CBD-QTest allows you to swiftly test your cannabis revealing the THC and CBD content, which is great for every hobby grower that wants to find out how potent their home grown cannabis really is. Equally robust as labtests, this test also allows you to check whether there really is THC/CBD in your product, which is especially useful for those obtaining cannabis from the black market.

miraculix LSD-QTest

The miraculix LSD-QTest is created to test for the original LSD-25 (synthesized by Albert Hoffman) in blotters or liquids. It will not give a positive result for chemical derivates of LSD (like 1P-LSD, 1CP-LSD…), so you are able to check if you got the ‘real’ stuff, or if you’d rather throw that blotter into the bin.

miraculix MDMA-QTest

Lastly, the miraculix MDMA-QTest allows you to test your MDMA crystals or ecstasy tablets for their MDMA quantity, as well as for harmful adulterations. This test, in its most advanced form (miraculix advanced MDMA-QTest, comes with 2 other reagents that check for common metabolites of MDMA (MDA, PMA…) and for 2-CX compounds like 2-CB. This is very useful for tablets obtained from the black market, as you can nowadays never know what you really get from a dealer.

How to use drug tests

Using drug tests that you bought in our online smartshop is a simple and straightforward process that can be done in the comfort of your own home. All drug test kits include the necessary instructions on how to carry them out. You will always just need a small sample of whatever you have to get full results.

How to use EZ Test

The EZ Test drugs tests all share the following simple four steps:

1. Break open the ampoule.

2. Insert a small amount of the sample.

3. Put the plastic lid on and shake well.

4. Compare the colour change with the graph.

How to use miraculix Qtests

The miraculix QTests involve a bit more work but are also really simple. The four steps that you need to carry out are 1) Preparation (of your sample and your surroundings), 2) Extraction (inserting your sample in a testing liquid), 3) Detection letting the chemicals in the liquid to their work), and 4) Evaluation (on a coloring scale). You will always find detailed instructions about how to use the respective miraculix QTest in a handy manual that comes with every miraculix product!

Questions about drug tests and drug testing kits? Contact us!

If you have any more questions about how to use drug tests or any of our drug testing kits, then feel free to contact our customer service. If you prefer personal advice on how to use drug tests, then you can visit one of our smartshops in Maastricht, Venlo or Roermond. 

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