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Sirius Smartshop

Discover the wide range of products in our online smartshop. Herbal extracts, sexual stimulants, mind expanding products and mood supplements with vitamins and amino-acids. Want to find out more about a product? Click to view more information, or educate yourself in our online knowledge centre and learn about ingredients and their effects.

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IQ+ More information
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Sirius More information
Sirius Mescalin Cacti More information
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The Chocolate Love Factory More information
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Open Up More information
Holy Smoke More information
Knaster More information
EZ Test More information
Sensatonics More information
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Energy Relax Sexual stimulants Health Nootropics Mind expanding Salvia Divinorum Kratom Kanna Mescaline Cacti Rapé Drug tests
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Worldwide smartshop

Sirius was one of the first smartshops in the Netherlands and in the world. In more than 20 years, Sirius has become an international company, supplying many shops in the Netherlands and beyond. In our online shop, a wide range of natural products is now available to the private market worldwide. Our range includes herbal extracts, mood supplements, sexual stimulants and ofcourse natural hallucinogens.

Online smartshop

In our online shop, we want to provide the same service as in our stone shops. Based on natural products with listed ingredients and instructions for safe use, and as many background information as possible. Online you will find all you need to know about our products and how to use them safely, their ingredients and their effects. More background information is available in our knowledge centre, where you can educate yourself in the comfort of your own home, or on your mobile device wherever you are. This should enable you to find exactly the right product to your personal need or desire, even without the help of our professional shop staff.

Professional in smart products since 1995

Sirius opened its first stone shop as early as 1995. From the start, Sirius was the place to go for elaborate advice and information about the use of herb extracts and many other natural products. And ofcourse their was a wide range of all of these, to buy in our shops. Now you find the same range of quality products and service in our online smartshop. Our aim is to spice up your lifestyle and broaden your horizon in the most pleasurable and responsible way. Our large selection and outstanding reputation provide all you need.

Find your favourite products in our online smartshop and take that trip into Sirius cyberspace!

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Our physical Sirius Smart Shops are also OPEN

in Roermond NL Hamstraat 15 
and Maastricht NL Oude Tweebergenpoort 7A
and Venlo NL Kleine Beekstraat 5 

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