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Seedkit Feminised

Royal Queen Seeds
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Royal Queen Seeds Seedkit Feminised Royal Queen Seeds Seedkit Feminised Royal Queen Seeds Seedkit Feminised Royal Queen Seeds Seedkit Feminised Royal Queen Seeds Seedkit Feminised
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Starting cannabis seeds can be the most nerve-wrecking part of the whole process. To make it easier, we have put together a feminized cannabis seed starter kit, taking out all of the guesswork and ensuring you seeds have the best chance possible at a healthy start in life.

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€ 39,95 Available from stock
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More about Seedkit Feminised


This includes a tray of Easy Start seedling pots, a packet of Bacto – a beneficial bacteria mix to encourage strong growth, a Propagator Pro, perlite, and lighting. To top it all off, we also include 3 RQS Critical cannabis seeds, ensuring you have a little something extra to add to your stash.



  1. Remove your seeds from their seed packet. Be sure not to push them out the back of the seed packet, as this may damage them. Instead, peel off the packet seal.
  2. Take the tray of Easy Start pots out of their packet. You will find your sachet of Bacto under the packet’s sticker.
  3. Measure out a litre of lukewarm water in a plastic tub – around 22-25 degrees Celsius – and add in the sachet of Bacto. Mix it up and allow it to dissolve. This will activate the microbial life in the Bacto, which will help your seedlings grow a strong root base.
  4. Place your tray of easy start pots in the water, allowing them to soak some of it up.
  5. While they are soaking, get your propagator ready by putting a layer of perlite into it.
  6. Now take your tray of Easy Start pots and place them on the perlite. As the water leaves the pots, it will leave both the perlite and the pots moist.
  7. Enlarge each if the hole of each pot to roughly 5-10 mm deep, this will ensure your cannabis seeds have all the room they need. A screwdriver or pencil can be good for this.
  8. Place a seed in each hole. It doesn’t matter which way they go up; your seeds will naturally head towards the light as the root burrows down.
  9. Now put the wall and lid of the propagator in place. Place the propagator somewhere indoors where it won’t get knocked or moved. It will now take 1-6 days for your seeds to germinate. It is essential you leave the seeds to do their thing. It may be hard to resist, but opening the lid and checking up on them can disturb the humidity and heat levels, damaging the chances of germination.
  10. Once the seedlings have reached 2-3cm high, you can cut up the pots into individual squares, ready to be transplanted into their main growing medium.

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Seedkit Feminised € 39,95
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