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Reliable and 100% legal

Smartshops are 100% legal businesses, which are covered by the Commodities Act. 
All products sold in smartshops are subject to the Commodities Act and the supervision of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA); this also applies to producers and distributors who supply their products to smartshops.
Smartshops, no matter how crazy it may sound to the ears of a layman, are ordinary shops selling 100% legal products.


Vereniging Landelijk Overleg Smartproducten (VLOS) (Dutch Smartshops Association)  

In order to distinguish themselves and demonstrate that they are bona fide entrepreneurs, run bona fide businesses and comply with the law, as well as with many additional self-imposed rules, the smartshop owners who are members of the Dutch smartshops association VLOS, have joined forces in the VLOS and have complied with the VLOS Internal Rules and the Articles of Association.

The VLOS has been the official interlocutor of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and the Healthcare and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) for over 20 years now. 

In Amsterdam, the VLOS is the interlocutor of the mayor and his advisors, the VLOS is also the interlocutor of all other organisations involved in the Dutch Policy.

Smartshops connected to the VLOS can be recognised by the VLOS label with the VLOS logo on the front window or door and the VLOS Household Regulations, which are clearly visible in the shop.

More information can be found on:


Cannabinoids Advisory bureau Netherlands (CAN)

WHAT CAN CAN, ONLY CAN CAN (freely translated to Wim Kan, New Year's Eve Conference 1962).

The Cannabinoids Advisory bureau of the Netherlands (CAN) has been active for 2 years before its official establishment (October 2017) and has done a lot during this time: such as consultation with authorities, government institutions, politicians, scientists, with the subsequent creation of a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between the pioneers of the first hour in the production and sale of Cannabinoids.
It is these pioneers who have found each other in collaboration with the CAN association to make every effort to use the possibilities offered by Cannabinoids to the fullest.

Research, knowledge and insights into the functioning of the various types of Cannabinoids is expanding rapidly.
This also applies to the number of users of CBD products!
Not just in the Netherlands, but in more and more European countries, even worldwide.

Despite this, there is also a great deal of uncertainty among the press and the public, and sometimes downright fear that CBD would lead to addiction, making those who use it high.
All this because of the association with cannabis. It is this association that makes governments and their regulators very reluctant to develop a consistent policy on Cannabinoids.
The consequence of the lack of a consistent policy has far-reaching repercussions such as a persistent group of manufacturers and sellers of CBD products of inferior quality. 

CAN objectives

1. Achieving a quality standard in the form of the CAN Quality Mark for the production and sale of commodity law products* containing CBD and/or other cannabinoids and terpenes of natural origin;
2. Establishing a legal basis for the aforementioned products;
3. The promotion of expertise about the aforementioned products within the entire chain**, in the areas of quality, effectiveness, safety and communication. 
*food, food supplements, cosmetics and other products. 
**from grower, producer, importer and distributor to primary healthcare, retailer and consumer.

CAN quality label
The CAN aims to ensure that consumers can buy CBD products, of which they can be confident that what is written on the label is actually in the product and that the product meets all the requirements of the law and regulations. 
In this context, the CAN has developed a monograph for CBD oil which includes requirements for, among others,

If the results of the laboratory test show that the product meets all the (statutory) requirements, the producer may apply the CAN mark to the product and the product will be listed as CAN- approved at batch level with name and surname on the CAN website.

The CAN aims to have everything relating to the CAN quality label in order by the end of 2018.

CBD oil is made from the tops of hemp grown for fibre. 
The finished product is not allowed to contain more than 0,05% THC. 
This very low concentration, in combination with CBD, does not have a psychoactive effect.
We advise consumers not to buy homemade cannabis oil that is offered via Facebook, for example.

More information can be found on: and

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