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Puffco is a brand of vaporizers specializing in the use of cannabis concentrates.

People buy Puffco vaporizers because the cannabis experience is so much more intense. A Puffco vaporizer has a specific purpose, which is to enrich the cannabis experience. Whether this is because the user experiences more depth in the aromas and flavors of a specific cannabis strain, or the new way to experience a cannabis high.

All Puffco vaporizers are made from the best materials. The brand Puffco embodies high-quality and makes using a vaporizer for weed easy and accessible. It’s worth the investment if you’re looking for a way to enjoy cannabis that is high-quality, healthy and safe. Free of toxins, no plastics in the vaporizer's air ducts, and no glue to hold the parts together. Puffco vaporizers are made by the Puffco company with the goal of bringing simple, effective and more flavorful vaporizers to the market.

Sirius not only offers the best devices for vaporizing weed and cannabis concentrates, but also gives you the opportunity to buy Puffco accessories. Take a look at all the products from Puffco and find all your supplies to start vaping hash, wax, resin and much more.

Navigation: Puffco brand history Awards Puffco Peak & accessories Puffco Plus Puffco Proxy Puffco guidelines

History of the Puffco brand

It all started in 2013, when CEO Roger Volodarsky found a new way to make technology work when using concentrates. He started the company Puffco to make vaporizers and accessories for using cannabis hash, wax, honey, resin and more. 

Since its founding, their main goal has been to design the most intuitive, elegant and innovative experiences for the modern user of cannabis concentrates. This is what motivates them to raise the bar every day. Their premium product line has garnered the best reviews and numerous awards and recognition as the obvious benchmark in the industry.

All their products are proudly designed in Brooklyn, New York by an in-house design team. Puffco aims to meet not only the needs and expectations of true connoisseurs, but also those of the next generation of concentrate enthusiasts.

With the release of award-winning Puffco Plus pen vaporizer in 2016, they’ve once again set the standard in technology and design.


Award-winning brand

The Puffco brand has already won several awards for their products. One example: in 2017, the company won the High Times Best Vaporizer, within several categories.

Mainstream channels from the United States such as Rolling Stone, Mashable and Cool Hunting, have also given their token of appreciation. Praising reviews on the functionality of the products and the forward-thinking of the brand prevail.

The brand upholds this standard and chooses to give only the best to its customers. By collaborating with compliance professionals from the US, the company stays sharp. In this way, the entire process is always monitored and tested, from design to production.

The underlying mission of the company is to make cannabis accessible to enthusiasts. This is achieved through intensive cooperation and partnership. Employees, partners and customers are all treated with respect. Not for nothing does MG Magazine rank Puffco among the top 50 best companies in the cannabis industry to work for.

What are cannabis concentrates, such as hashish?

Cannabis concentrates are concentrated products of cannabis with recreational and medicinal uses. Hash is the best known cannabis concentrate and has been used by humans for thousands of years.

Hashish is made from the trichomes of the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.). Trichomes are crystal-like glands or "hairs" made up of cannabis resin. Trichomes produce quantities of cannabinoids, including THC and CBD.

Besides hash, there are many others. Examples include resin, wax, honey, crystals and crumble. If you plan to make your own cannabis concentrate, take a look at our Headshop.

Here we sell extraction systems, used to create your own cannabis products.

Buying from this brand allows you to safely use these cannabis concentrates using a special vaporizer, for example a Puffco pen vaporizer.

Where to buy the Puffco Peak and Puffco Peak accessories?

Wondering where to buy a Puffco Peak? Well, in the Sirius Vaporizershop you’ll find this high-end vaporizer and much more useful tools for vaporizers.

Warning: Are you located in The Netherlands? Vaporizers can no longer be sold online anymore. Check here the new regulation on vaporizers.

Sirius Smartshop has been promoting high-quality vaporizers, such as the Puffco Plus pen vaporizer, for many years. Sirius believes in the power of cannabis, and suitable vaporizers are ideal for enjoying high-quality THC oil, hashish and much more. You can also buy Puffco Peak accessories, and Puffco accessories, like parts for your vaporizer in our online Vaporizershop.

Have you lost a part of your vaporizer or is it in need of replacement? At Sirius you've come to the right place for both replacement parts, as well as handy extras to optimize your vaping experience.

In addition to its various accessories and parts, Puffco also has other products to offer. One popular and handy tool is the Puffco Budsy: looks like any water bottle, but is secretly an ultra-powerful bong.

Puffco App: download for easy access on your phone

Puffco has developed an app for both IOS and Android that makes using your vaporizer even more interesting. Download the Puffco Connect App for a world of new possibilities. The app gives you four settings that allow you to control your device very precisely from your cell phone. Choose your exact temperature, preferred vapor and the duration of your session. You can save your personal preferences over and over again, to immediately enjoy the perfect vapor.

puffco mobile app

Puffco Plus: pen vaporizer for cannabis concentrates

The Puffco Plus is known to cannabis connoisseurs as a pen vaporizer that is ideal for vaporizing various types of cannabis concentrates.

Cannabis concentrates can take many forms. Usually, they are concentrated cannabis products consisting of high levels of THC, CBD and possibly other cannabinoids. Because of their high potency, cannabis concentrates provide an intense high and a very different effect than when you smoke a joint. To use cannabis concentrates, a vaporizer such as the Puffco Plus is highly recommended. This way you get the most out of your hash, wax, resin or other cannabis concentrate with a top quality vaporizer.

A pen vaporizer is a small device that is easy to take with you when you’re traveling, or don’t have much space.

Buying the Puffco pen vaporizer allows the user to dab in a discreet way, even on the go. The elegant design of the Puffco Plus is ideal for people who use cannabis medicinally and like to use cannabis concentrates discreetly.

Puffco Peak for medical cannabis use

If you buy the Puffco Peak, you can use this tabletop model for both recreational and medicinal cannabis use. The Puffco Peak is an intelligent vaporizer that enables your cannabis experience with just one button. This vaporizer is specifically designed for the use of hashish. The method of cannabis consumption is called ‘dabbing’. Dabbing means consuming cannabis concentrates using a very hot surface that evaporates the active substances, creating a powerful vapor.

If you are planning to buy the Puffco Peak, but are not yet convinced, here are a few benefits when you want to buy Puffco Peak, listed:

  • This vaporizer has four precision temperature settings
  • In just 20 seconds, this vaporizer is heated up and ready to use
  • You will be amazed by the advanced water filter, this system provides a wonderfully cool experience. 
  • The device comes with a maintenance kit, a USB charger, a carb cap and more Puffco Peak accessories for dabbing.

Puffco Proxy: retro look with advanced features

The latest newcomer is the acclaimed Puffco Proxy. This portable vaporizer looks like an old-fashioned pipe, but has many features and all the options for using cannabis concentrates and hash. On top of that, the device also has a flower bowl, which allows you to vaporize herbs such as cannabis.

puffco proxy girl relaxing

Guideline for using Puffco products

Puffco's various products each have their own guidelines, as well as similarities. Here are some guidelines for using Puffco vaporizers.


Each vaporizer from Puffco has a certain duration of charging. Upon purchase, fully charge the device the first time before using it.


The following applies to every vaporizer from Puffco: keep it clean. This means maintaining the vaporizer with isopropyl alcohol after each session. This prevents you from easily removing the sticky concentrates.

Dabbing with Puffco

Dabbing with Puffco doesn't have to be difficult at all. You need a Puffco vaporizer - also called an e-rig - and a cannabis concentrate. Always start with a dose no larger than a grain of rice. Do not overheat your cannabis concentrate, as there is a chance of burning it. Stay below 250 degrees Celsius. As a final tip, wait until you feel the effect of the dab coming on before taking another hit.

Questions about buying a vaporizer for cannabis concentrates?

If you’re specifically looking for a vaporizer for cannabis concentrates, it’s important to know which device suits your needs. Are you curious and want to learn more? Take a look at our blog page for information about vaporizers. Read for example this blog about the best vaporizers for hash.

Do you still have any questions when you want to buy Puffco Plus, Puffco Peak or, for example, Puffco Peak accessories? Don’t hesitate to contact our customer service.

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