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Miraculix PSILO-QTest  PSILO-QTest  PSILO-QTest  PSILO-QTest
Miraculix PSILO-QTest  PSILO-QTest  PSILO-QTest  PSILO-QTest

The PSILO-QTest from miraculix is a brand new method that let you analyze the exact concentration of psilocybin in your Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffles within 30 minutes. It is the first product on the market that allows you to measure how strong your magic mushrooms, Sclerotia (truffles) or psilocybin-extracts really are. The genius behind this new test kit is Dr. Felix Bei, who developed it at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena.

All you need to do, is follow 4 simple steps and evaluate your probe on a coloring scale, which indicates how much psilocybin is contained in your sample!

ATTENTION: single-use only!

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€ 19,95 Available from stock
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More about PSILO-QTest

Have you ever wondered how much psilocybin the magic mushrooms you grew or the magic truffles you bought really contain? Well, finally, with the Psilo-QTest there is a way for you to find out, in just 30 minutes from the comfort of your home!

Dr. Felix Blei researched and developed this test kit legally for a project called "Production of quantitative test systems of psychotropic agents" at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany. 

We at Sirius support the safer use of psychoactive substances and promote testing kits that guarantee valid determination of active substances found in magic mushrooms, truffles and/or extracts. If you are interested in test kits for other substances, check out our complete range of Qtests.

The PSILO-Q test kit is not just the only psilocybin test kit currently on the market, it is also extremely accurate! It was found to deviate less than 10% from a professional laboratory (HLPC) analysis. 

Short Information

Mobile rapid test for the determination of psilocybin content in different materials (mycelium, fruiting bodies, sclerotia, extracts)

- Rapid evaluation after 30 minutes

- Detection range between 0.1 - 2% active substance content

- Only 150 mg of starting material is required

- Deviation of less than 10% from laboratory analysis (HPLC)

- Evaluation of the probe is done by evaluating it on a color-scale

- The PSILO-Q Test is a single-use test

Storage and shelf life:

- Cool storage of the reagents at 2 °C to 8 °C, with protection from direct sunlight (e.g. refrigerator), guarantees a 12-month shelf life for the consumables if stored properly. 
- The extraction solution may turn slightly yellow over time, but is still fully usable.

Additional information about the test:
Hot water is required for incubation.


- protective gloves

- plastic extraction vial with screw cap

- glass vial with tightly close lid and septum

- syringe 1 ml

- blunt cannula

- sterifilt (syringe filter)

4 Step Manual

1. Preparation

Before you can test anything, you need to be properly prepared. Take out all components of the kit and put on the protective gloves. Also make sure to wear appropriate clothing (nothing too long or fuzzy) and to work in a clean and sterile environment. Take around 150mg of the material you want to test, crush it, and mix it well. For extracts, the amount should be equal to 150mg of mushroom material. Heat one liter of water and let it cool down for a bit. Don't work with boiling water because it dissolves the psilocybin!

2. Extraction

Open the extraction vial, put in the crushed components using the folded base, close it tighly and shake it for 10 seconds. Then put the vial down and wait 10 minutes. Repeat this process 2 more times. Now, put the sterifilt on the syringe and draw 1ml of the liquid out of the extraction vial. Pull the syringe plunger completely open and hold it; this will creater a pressure that slowly fills the syringe with liquid. Remove the Sterifilt from the syringe, unpack the cannula and put it on the syringe. Next, you pierce the septum of the glass vial with the blund needle and inject the entire liquid from the syringe into it. 

Make sure the syringe is not directly exposed to the liquid in the glass vail. Then completely fill the empry syringe with air, this prevents overpressure as well as liquids from splashing out when removing the syringe from the glass vessel 

3. Detection

Put the glass vessel with the detection solution into your warm (not boiling!) water. The solution in the glass vessel will now start to discolor, and you need to wait for 15 minutes until you can read the result.

4. Evaluation

Your test solution should now have a beige-to-brown like color. This is what you need to pay attention to. With the help of the evaluation scale, you can now determine how much milligramms of psilocybin is in your sample solution.

You can multiply this value up to your remaining amount of mushrooms to receive the exact concentration of psilocybin (Example: 3mg psilocybin in 150 mg mushrooms x 10 = 30mg psilocybin in 1,5 g mushrooms)

Enjoy testing, and if you still have any questions, contact our customer service!

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PSILO-QTest € 19,95
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