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Poppy seeds White

Unbranded Poppy seeds White
Unbranded Poppy seeds White

Grow your own opium poppies.  

Seeds with which you can grow the infamous poppy (Papaver somniferum), also known in Dutch as bulb poppy.

These seeds are not for consumtion, they are intended for growing Papaver somniferum plants.

Airtight packaging with 5 grams of seed, from the Indian Opium Poppy (White Poppy).

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More about Poppy seeds White

With these seeds you can grow your own Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) plants.

Opiates can be extracted from the mature plant.

Do not consume the seeds, they are intended for growing papever somniferum plants.

Nursing tips:

Fill a small flower pot or container with perforated bottom with standard sowing soil, to about one centimetre below the rim.
Then tamp the earth down gently and place the pot in a tray of water until the top becomes moist.
Next spread the seeds over the surface and give them a quick spray so that they stick firmly to the bottom.
Cover the container with cling film or a lid and place it in a warm, bright place.
be careful with direct sunlight, it can cook your cacti!
For best results, try to keep the temperature around 24ºC and the humidity at 80-90%.
When most of the seeds are germinated, you can carefully start ventilating the plants by poking a few holes in the foil or removing the lid for acouple of minutes every day.
After about 2 weeks you can let them get used to a drier environment by providing increasingly more ventilation. You can do this by piercing more and more holes in the foil, or by removing the lid a little longer every day. Make sure that the seedlings get enough fresh air, but beware that they don't dry out. After about a month, they are big enough transplant them to your garden or balcony.

Scientific name

Papaver somniferum

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