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Morning Glory

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The seeds of Morning Glory, which naturally contain ergoline alkaloids, such as ergonovine and ergine (LSA), can have a similar effect to LSD when taken in large quantities, but you can also sow them and enjoy the flowers. They look amazing in your garden or on the balcony or even in a sunny spot indoors.

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50-300 seeds
10 grams of seeds.
€ 5,95 Available from stock
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More about Morning Glory

Morning Glory (Ipomea) is a small vine with heart-shaped leaves and large white, purple, pink or blue trumpet-shaped flowers. In Mexico, the seeds are known as "Badoh negro". Among others, the Zapotecs believed that the plant possesses its own deity and have a rich history of use, both for treatment of illnesses and for spiritual purposes.  

They get their name due to the large flowers that open in the morning and then wilt during the day. There are even nocturnal flowering species. The Morning Glory found in the smartshops is generally Ipomea, typically Ipomea tricolor or I. violacea.
The history of the use of Morning Glory can be traced far back in time. Proof of the importance of the plant for the Aztecs can be found around 1450-1500. In this time there is a beautiful statue made of the god Xochipilli, god of summer, flowers, enjoyment. This 'flower prince' symbolizes all the beauty and is depicted along with various psychoactive plants, including Morning Glory.


Chew seeds or make a coldwater extract.



The effects of Morning Glory can often be described as initially very sedative, with strong visual stimulation. This very quiet, contemplative state gradually evolves into a feeling of alert relaxation and well-being that lingers for a long time to come. The effect lasts about 6 to 10 hours, depending on sensitivity and dosage. Many users experience severe nausea at the beginning of the experience, which can sometimes be very intense, but rarely lasts longer than an hour.


50-100 seeds (1.5-3 grams) are considered a light dosage.

100-250 seeds (3-6 grams) as an average

250-400 seeds (6-10 grams) is a strong dose

More than 400 seeds (>10 grams) are considered a heavy dosage.


It is best to take the seeds on an empty stomach, the usual methods are:

Chew the seeds until they are finely ground. Swallow with a little water or juice.

Grind the seeds and soak them in cold water. After half an hour you can filter the liquid and drink it.

Soak the seeds for 3-4 days in water that you change every now and then. There is a slimy white substance, after removing it you eat the seeds. This method would reduce the nausea a little, but also the effect.


As with all psychedelics, individual sensitivity to LSA can vary greatly. Always start with a low dose to test your sensitivity before trying a higher dose.

Although the seeds can be found in many garden shops, seeds from commercial sources are often coated in a kind or form of pesticide or methylmercury. These coatings are especially dangerous if one has a history of liver disease but can also cause nerve damage in healthy persons.

Do not use Morning Glory seeds if you feel unhappy, sad or anxious, or if you are taking medication. 
Do not use Morning Glory during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Do not operate motorized vehicles under the influence of Morning Glory and do not participate in traffic.
DO NOT combine Morning Glory with stimulants, alcohol or MAO-inhibitors.

Scientific name

Ipomea violacea

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Morning Glory € 5,95
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