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Make your own Rapé

Unbranded Make your own Rapé
Unbranded Make your own Rapé

If you like to make your own blend of rapé, this pure mapacho from Peru is the perfect base.

We recommend starting with a pea-sized dose for each nostril.
5 grams
€ 14,95 Available from stock
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More about Make your own Rapé

Rapé (pronounced “ha-peh” or “rapay”) means "dust of the ancients" and it has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. Although the herbs vary from rapé to rapé, the main ingredient is always the powdered tobacco leaf of the Nicotiana Rustica. If you like to make your own blend of rapé, this pure mapacho from Peru is the perfect base.

When used in combination with an intention, rapé can be a powerful tool for realizing our dreams. 

How is Rapé used and what are its effects?

The traditional way to use rapé is when someone else (usually a shaman) blows the powder into your nose with a tepi. However, you can also self-administer rapé with a v-shaped wooden pipe called kuripe. More information about rapé.

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Make your own Rapé € 14,95
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