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Magic Mushroom Growkits 100% mycelium Refine your choice
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Magic mushroom grow kits 100% mycelium 

Magic mushrooms contain psilocybin, which produces psychedelic effects like hallucinations, distortion of reality, and spiritual experiences. You can grow your own magic mushrooms using one of the magic mushroom grow kits sold at A magic mushroom growing kit contains mycelium that produces a large amount of magic mushrooms within only 2-3 weeks. A magic mushroom grow kit is cheap, legal, and easy to use, and is thereby the gateway to the psychedelic realm, even if you are not an experienced mushroom grower. Below you will find the large assortment of magic mushroom grow kits from different brands offered at or in our physical smartshops. 

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Magic mushroom growing kit – What are magic mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms, also known as hallucinogenic or psychotropic mushrooms, are a family of mushrooms that produce psychedelic effects when ingested. When talking about mushrooms from a magic mushroom grow kit, people usually refer to the Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, a family that is known for containing high concentrations of psilocybin and psilocin, as well as other tryptamine alkaloids. Psilocybin and psilocin are the main active ingredients in magic mushrooms that produce psychedelic effects (distortion of reality, hallucinations, spiritual experiences…) and are also present in Magic Truffles (Sclerotia).

Magic mushrooms and their active ingredients are being researched for their potential therapeutic effects on mental diseases such as depression or anxiety, and a lot of people claim that they have profited mentally or spiritually from using them. Until 2008, magic mushrooms could actually be bought legally within the Netherlands but the law has changed – however, you can still buy a magic mushroom growing kit online at or in person in one of our physical smartshops (Maastricht, Venlo & Roermond). A magic mushroom growing kit is simple and easy to use and allows you to quickly grow your own magic mushrooms. 

Magic mushroom grow kit – your gateway to a colorful world 

A magic mushroom grow kit is a box that contains mycelium in a specific kind of substrate. Mycelium is the vegetative part of a fungus, consisting of a network of white filaments (hyphae), which you can clearly see when you buy a magic mushroom grow kit from us. The mycelium can be seen as the “roots” or root structure of the mushrooms because it absorbs nutrients from its environment and grows in size. When the conditions are right, mycelium produces fruiting bodies (= magic mushrooms), which can be harvested without damaging the mycelium, so that more mushrooms can grow. With a magic mushroom grow kit you can grow your own magic mushrooms, and the procedure is much simpler than many people think.

How to grow your own magic mushrooms using a magic mushroom grow kit

Theoretically, you don’t need anything but the magic mushroom grow kit to grow your own magic mushrooms. However, we do recommend that you buy a heat mat because it guarantees a successful harvest and significantly improves the quality and quantity of your magic mushrooms. Additionally, having some aluminum foil and a water sprayer is very handy – but these are quite cheap, and most people have them at home anyways. To use your magic mushroom grow kit, just follow 7 steps: 

  1. Buy your magic mushroom grow kit at Sirius;
  2. Prepare the environment you want to place your magic mushroom grow kit in;
  3. Activate your magic mushroom grow kit by opening it (keep the lid!) and preparing the bag that comes with it;
  4. Wrap some aluminum foil around the magic mushroom grow kit and place it in the bag in the right environment (on your heat mat);
  5. Spray the inside of your magic mushroom grow kit with water regularly until magic mushrooms appear;
  6. Harvest your magic mushrooms from your mushroom growing kit;
  7. Reactivate your magic mushroom grow kit by washing it with water, closing it with the lid, and putting it in the fridge for 24 hours. 

If you would like to learn how to grow magic mushrooms in more detail, there is an extensive guide about growing magic mushrooms from a magic mushroom grow kit written by one of our experts:

Read: Growing Magic Mushrooms in 7 simple steps – Magic Mushroom Growkit Manual

Large assortment of magic mushroom growing kits at – find the best magic mushroom grow kit for you

We at Sirius offer a large variety of magic mushroom growing kits of the highest quality. Our magic mushroom grow kits come from two brands, our very own Magicbox, which guarantees a successful harvest of high-quality magic mushrooms, and the renowned stealth box, which is known to be the most discreet magic mushroom growing kit in case you do not want everyone to see that you bought a magic mushroom grow kit. 

Magicbox mushroom growing kit

Magicbox is a Sirius exclusive brand that offers 3 different high-quality magic mushroom grow kits: 

  • Magicbox Super Gold: Magic mushrooms from the Magicbox Super Gold are reported to induce very funny and energetic and euphoric experiences that are not so strong on the hallucinatory / visual part. This makes it very suitable for beginner Psychonauts who do not have a lot of experience with magic mushrooms. 
  • Magicbox Palenque: The Magicbox Palenque produces mushrooms that fill you with euphoria and help you see yourself and the world around you in a new light. Perfect for tripping with your friends or alone.
  • Magicbox Equadorian: Lastly, Magicbox Equadorian is known to produce magic mushrooms that are very strong and produce intense hallucinations. Therefore, this magic mushroom growing kit is especially for those who are looking for strong optics / visuals.

Stealthbox mushroom growing kit 

Stealthbox offers no less than 12 (!) different kinds of magic mushroom growing kits, all with their different characteristics and effects. 

The B+ gives energetic and euphoric experiences and is said to produce less nausea at the start of the trip than other species, making it very suitable for people with a sensitive stomach. 

Cambodian mushrooms are very easy to grow, making them suitable for beginners, and produce spiritual experiences that help you get in touch with divine spirits. 

Mushrooms from the Mazatapec mushroom growing kit take a little longer to grow but produce a very high yield. The effects from Mazatapec mushrooms are lively and light, and perfect for being in nature. 

Golden Teacher mushroom grow kits produce mushrooms with golden hats, hence the name of this strain. It was discovered in the 1980s, making it one of the newer magic mushroom species. It produces deep shamanic experiences that allow you to open your mind as never before. 

The magic mushroom growing kit McKennaii is named after the famous philosopher and researcher Terence McKenna. McKennaii mushrooms are said to be extremely strong, providing a powerful visual and intense philosophical trip.

These are just some examples of the different Stealthbox magic mushroom growing kits. Click on the links below to learn more about the unique characteristics of another mushroom grow kit:

Buy your magic mushroom grow kit in the Sirius Magictruffleshop

When you buy a mushroom grow kit from Sirius, you not only have a large selection of high-quality magic mushroom grow kits, but you can actually save a lot of money while doing it. Our mushroom growing kits produce a lot of mushrooms per flush, and you can have multiple flushes if you treat your mushroom grow kit right. This means that with one simple purchase, you can fill up your stock of magic mushrooms for a very long time. If you like to buy multiple magic mushroom grow kits to experience different strains, you can profit from our Spacemile discount program, which allows you to get mushroom growing kits for free if you collect enough Spacemiles. 

Test the potency of magic mushrooms from your magic mushroom grow kit – miraculix PSILO-QTest

Magic mushrooms from a mushroom growing kit all contain psilocybin and psilocin, however, their exact concentrations can vary between strains and even between mushrooms of the same strain. While these are only small differences, some people prefer knowing exactly how many milligrams of psilocybin they take when ingesting magic mushrooms. The cutting edge PSILO-QTest from miraculix allows you to do exactly that. By following 4 simple steps, you can accurately and reliably test your magic mushrooms, extracts, or even magic truffles. This also means you can compare the potency of your own magic mushrooms or those of different strains with each other. 

Questions about magic mushroom growing kits? Contact us!

If you still have questions about magic mushrooms, mushroom growing kits, or anything related, then don’t hesitate to contact our customer service! We at Sirius have plenty of experience with magic mushroom growing kits and everything psychedelic-related – and we are always happy to help you! 

Translations of "hallucinogenic mushrooms" into European languages include:
Bulgarian - 'магически гъби'; Czech - "magické houby"; Danish - "psilocybinsvampe", "magiske svampe"; Estonian - "hallutsinogeense toimega gesehen"; Greek - 'μαγικά μανιτάρια'; French - "champignons hallucinogènes" or "champis"; German - "Psychoaktive Pilze" or "Zauberpilze"; Hungarian - 'varázsgombák', 'hallucinogén gombák', 'pszilocibingombák'; Italian - "funghi magici"; Latvian - 'Halucinogēnās (maģiskās) sēnes'; Lithuanian - "haliucinogeniniai grybai", "magiškieji grybai"; Norwegian - "Fleinsopp"; Polish - "magiczne grzybki", "grzyby halucynogenne"; Portuguese - "cogumelos mágicos", "cogumelos psicadélicos"; Slovakian - "magické huby"; Slovenian - 'čudeţne gobe'; Spanish - "hongos alucinógenos", "hongos lisérgicos", "honguitos"; Romanian - "ciuperci halucinogene"; Swedish - "magiska svampar", "psykedeliska svampar".

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