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Do you want to buy the best magic truffles? Order magic truffles for a spiritual experience safely and discreetly in the online smartshop of Sirius. We sell fresh magic truffles of the best quality. Magic truffles are natural psychedelics and legally for sale at Sirius online Magic Truffles shop. Magic truffles are delivered to your home quickly, safely and discreetly. 

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Magic Truffleshop

If you want to buy magic truffles, you've come to the right place at Sirius. Magic truffles are kind of mild mushrooms. They create a relaxed, mild intoxication and make your senses more sensitive to stimuli from the environment. With these truffles you can experience colours differently and you can 'feel' music and the people around you better. In fact, magic truffles allow you to experience everything more intensely and also to enjoy it better, because the truffles make you wonderfully relaxed.

What are they exactly?

Magic truffles are legal truffles with a mind expanding effect. Truffles are not mushrooms. They do not grow above the ground, but underneath it. However, just like mushrooms, truffles also originate from fungal cultures. Truffles are also similar to mushrooms in terms of the psychoactive effect that is felt when they are eaten or drunk. The truffles contain psilocin and psilocybin, just like magic mushrooms. These substances have the mind-expanding effect that you experience 0.5 to 2 hours after eating the truffles. The intoxication usually lasts about 3 to 4 hours. In some special circumstances they might last a bit longer,with effects lasting up to 6 hours. Mushrooms are stronger than truffles and for a somewhat similar effect, less mushrooms are necessary. By the way, magic truffles are legally available. So you can just buy one or more portions of magic truffles in smartshops. Besides that, nowadays you can easily order magic truffles online.

Magic truffles as a replacement for magic mushrooms

Sirius is a Smartshop, Magictruffelshop, Seedshop, Growshop, Headshop, Vaporizershop, CBD-shop and Healthshop. Sirius started selling smart products, including magic mushrooms, in 1995. Now mushrooms can't be sold legally anymore, so you won’t find them at Sirius. Magic truffles, on the other hand, are legal and so you will be able to find them at our shops. You can buy them at either of our shops in Maastricht and Roermond or order them via our webshop.

Types and dosages

You can choose from a wide selection of different magic truffles, including Mothers Finest, Space Shuttles and White Diamonds. Each variety has its own intensity and a different effect on the senses. Not sure which type of truffle is best for you (and your group)? Find the answer in our blog. Even more information on the different varieties can be found on their respective product page. Truffles can be sold in portions of 10 and 15 grams. Please contact us for more information about the dosage that suits you best.

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