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Discover the magical realm of psilocybin with Sirius' Magicbox grow kits. Cultivate distinct magic mushrooms with ease using the Magicbox Super Gold, Palenque, or Equadorian kits, each delivering a unique psychedelic experience. In just 2-3 weeks, behold the mystical growth of your own mushrooms, tailored for both beginners and seasoned mushroom growers.

Navigation: What are Magic Mushrooms?  Magic Mushroom usage throughout history Growing Magic Mushrooms at Home with Magicbox 3 Magicbox Magic mushroom grow kits available at Sirius  Magicbox Super Gold  Magicbox Palenque Magicbox Equadorian How to use Magicbox grow kits Discover other mushroom grow kits

What are Magic Mushrooms? 

Magic Mushrooms, also referred to as shrooms or psilocybin mushrooms, are different families of mushrooms that all share one important thing: They contain the tryptamine alkaloids psilocybin and psilocin. These two are classified as ‘classical hallucinogens’, meaning they interact with serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) receptors, particularly at the 5-HT2A subtype. This receptor is known to be involved in cognitive functions and perception, and 5-HT2A modulation is the primary mechanism of actions of all classical hallucinogens, which also includes LSD.

Magic Mushroom usage throughout history

The use of magic mushrooms dates to ancient times, with various cultures utilizing them for spiritual, religious, and shamanic purposes. They were known to induce altered states of consciousness which were believed to enable communication with the divine. Despite controversies surrounding their ancient use, magic mushrooms found their way into modern Western culture in the 1950s, and are now being researched for potential medicinal benefits. 

Growing Magic Mushrooms at Home with Magicbox

Magic Mushrooms have a long history of spiritual and religious usage, while also being used recently in the western world for personal and recreational reasons. If you are interested in ingesting magic mushrooms yourself, then you probably checked where you can buy them and found no good news: Magic mushrooms are actually illegal to be sold in almost all European countries, including the Netherlands. However, grow kits, which are boxes containing a mycelium substrate from which magic mushrooms can grow, are not forbidden in many nations. This means that you are able to legally buy Magic Mushroom grow kits in Sirius Smartshops or at, to then grow your very own magic mushrooms. Mushroom grow kits are cheap, reliable, and easy to use: In just 2-3 weeks you can harvest your first “flush” of mushrooms, usually encompassing between 10 and 50 grams of fresh mushrooms. If you treat it right, your magic mushroom grow kits can produce mushrooms for multiple flushes, which means that with just one Magicbox grow kit, you can fill your mushroom stash for a long time. If you want to find out how to use a Magicbox magic mushroom grow kit, then you will find a description further down this text. But now, let's look at the different Magicbox grow kits available at Sirius: 

3 Magicbox Magic mushroom grow kits available at Sirius 

The Magicbox Super Gold, Magicbox Palenque, and Magicbox Equadorian are three unique magic mushroom grow kits available at Sirius. Each Kit provides a unique blend of mycelium substrate allowing for the cultivation of distinct mushroom species right at home. With a straightforward setup process, these kits are designed for both beginners and seasoned cultivators. 

Magicbox Super Gold 

  • Produces Mexican Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms
  • Energetic and euphoric effects
  • Gentle, colorful hallucinations
  • Suitable for shared experienced with friends
  • Harvest within 2 weeks without effort 

Sirius MagicBox Super Gold Strength Chart

Magicbox Palenque

  • Produces Mexican Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms
  • Strong mushrooms
  • Intense hallucinations
  • Harvest within 2 weeks without effort 

Sirius MagicBox Palenque Strength Chart

Magicbox Equadorian 

  • Produces Mexican Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms
  • Very powerful
  • Strong visuals
  • Promotes a colorful, spiritual journey 
  • Harvest within 2 weeks without effort

Sirius MagicBox Equadorian Strength Chart

How to use Magicbox grow kits
Step 1: Order your ready-to-use grow kit

Magic Box Equadorian growkit

Using a Magicbox grow kit is a simple process. First, you need to buy your own Magicbox from Sirius, either in one of our stores (Maastricht, Venlo & Roermond) or online. Make sure to inform yourself about the regulations regarding magic mushroom grow kits in your home country before ordering them or bringing them across the border! 

After you receive your Magicbox, we recommend you to activate it as soon as possible, or store it in a fridge. Before activating it, you should also make sure that you and your surroundings are appropriately prepared. 
Make sure to have:

  • a heatmat;
  • a grating or a stack of tips (to be placed between the heatmat and grow kit for optimal temperature control);
  • latex gloves;
  • disinfection spray;
  • a spray bottle with water;
  • (aluminum-) foil. 
Step 2: Start your growbox: Starting a growbox is quite easy

Ensure your surroundings are clean and hygienic to prevent contamination.

Activate your Magicbox by pouring half an inch of cold water into the mushbag, and then placing the grow kit without a lid in it. Then close and seal the bag afterwards. 

Ideal placement would be in a warm spot with some daylight but away from direct sunlight to prevent drying out. Regular care is needed over the next 2-3 weeks, including daily airing and misting of the inside of the mushbag to maintain humidity.

Step 3: Patience is rewarded

As your magic mushrooms begin to sprout, monitor their growth, ensuring they're harvested before they release spores to guarantee a possibility for a second flush of mushrooms.

Use aluminum foil to prevent light from reaching the sides of the Magicbox growkit if you notice mushrooms growing within the mycelium cake on the side of the box. 
With patience and minimal daily care, you'll be rewarded with a bountiful harvest of magic mushrooms, all thanks to the simplicity and efficiency of Magicbox grow kits​.

Magicbox step 1 Magic box step 1

After 6 days (at 22-26°C) you see the first mushrooms appear. They’re called ‘pinheads’. It is very tempting to open the bag and watch your mushrooms grow, but every time you open the bag, you let moist air escape. So leave the bag closed.

Step 4: The first Magicbox harvest

After 10-14 days there is a mini jungle of mushrooms in the bag and the kit is ready to be harvested for the first time. The perfect moment is when the veils of the caps begin to release. If you're late, the mushrooms drop their spores, giving a black layer on the underlying mushrooms and kit. This is not a problem in itself, but the spores do make black spots on everything they touch (clothing!). In some cases, the spore layer can become so thick that the next flushes will be more difficult to come out.

IMPORTANT: Clean work is again of the utmost importance. Always disinfect your work surface and tools, and wash your hands before you start.

Magicbox step 2

Open the bag and take out the kit. Hold the mushrooms down at their stem between your thumb and forefinger and with a twist they will come loose automatically. If the substrate comes along, cut the mushrooms as short as possible with a sharp knife. Sometimes it happens that a few mushrooms grow much faster than the rest, you can harvest them earlier. When you harvest a flush, remove all the mushrooms that grow at the top of the kit, even the smallest ones.

Magicbox step 3

Step 5: Preparing for the next flush

After harvesting, you may water the Magicbox for the next flush. 

Put cold water in the grow kit with substrate until it is completely covered with water. Close the lid and leave it like this for 12 hours. Afterward, leave the water out by opening one corner of the box. 

Then, remove the lid completely and place the grow kit in the mushbag, close it, and seal it again. Repeat the process from step 3. 

After a few days, the mycelium should start to grow again and after about a week you will see the next mushrooms (pins) appear. A Magicbox can be harvested 4 to 5 times in total.

Step 6: Drying

Place a few sheets of kitchen paper on a shelf or tray, and place the mushrooms on top. Now give them a place where there is no sunlight to dry, for example in a cupboard with the door ajar. When the stems break instead of bending, your mushrooms will be dry enough to store. Then they look like this:

Magicbox last step

It is best to store them in an airtight container, in a dry dark place. A good habit is to write down both the wet and dry weight, so you know exactly how much you're dispensing.

Discover other mushroom grow kits at 

Of course, Magicbox isn’t the only grow kit brand available at Sirius. We also sell grow kits from Stealthbox, a brand that focuses on producing white label mushroom grow kits that are efficient, cheap and discreet. Would you rather craft your own mushroom grow kit together? Then check out the brand Innervisions, which offers all necessary products (substrate, mushbags, spore syringe…) to do so! 

Don’t want to wait for your magic mushroom to grow? Check our Sirius’ large magic truffle assortment

Lastly, if you want to have a psilocybin-induced trip but don’t want to wait 2-3 weeks for your own magic mushrooms to grow, then you can buy psychedelic truffles at Sirius. These truffles are related to magic mushrooms and contain the same active components. Our house own brand Freshbox offers more than 19 (!) different strains of magic truffles, so every psychonaut, whether beginner or experienced, will find something that fits their expectation.

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