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In the Netherlands, Smartshops are 100% legal companies and in the Netherlands, all products we sell that are intended for consumption are controlled under the Commodities Act and the supervision of The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). 

The Coordination Point Assessment and Monitoring of new drugs (CAM is part of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)) has carried out a risk assessment for sclerotia a.k.a. hallucinogenic / magic truffles. The CAM concluded that the number of health incidents related to the use of sclerotia is very low. Based on the CAM report, the Netherlands decided not to prohibit sclerotia.

From a letter dated 13 September 2001 from Herbert Schaepe, secretary of the UN International Narcotics Control Commission, to the Dutch Ministry of Health: 
"Under international law there are currently no plants (natural material) containing psilocin and psilocybin under the control of the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances". 

In most UN member states plants (natural material) containing psilocin and psilocybin are apparently legal. Within the E.U. there is the right to free movement of goods. However, countries with restrictive drug policies have changed their laws. We do not have the resources to check whether sclerotia and magic mushroom grow kits are legal or not in every EU Member State. We strongly advise you to first investigate and determine whether sclerotia or magic mushroom grow kits are legal in the country where you live and where you want to take or have the sclerotia or magic mushroom grow kits sent to. If you buy sclerotia or magic mushroom grow kits in our stores in the Netherlands and take them with you across the border, or buy sclerotia or magic mushroom grow kits online from us and have them sent to an E.U. country outside the Netherlands, you do this entirely at your own risk and you automatically safeguard Sirius from any form of legal liability.

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