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Wunder Workshop

Turmeric forms the basis of Wunder Workshop. Founders Zoe and Tom were inspired by traditional medicine Ayurveda. The products they have developed are intended to give you energy and improve your quality of life. The emphasis is on biologically and ethically responsible ingredients to be incorporated into a holistic end product. The powerful turmeric is obtained from the heart of Sri Lanka where the farmers are treated with respect.

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Preventing instead of curing

The goal of Wunder Workshop is to offer products that can promote your health and make you strong. Protect yourself against diseases by adjusting your diet and making steps in a healthy lifestyle. The products of Wunder workshop can make their contribution to a healthy body and offer support in a recovery process.

Your daily dose of curcumin

This special ingredient is found in turmeric and you won't have any issue getting it into your daily routine with these delicous and easy products. Turmeric owes its deep orange gold colour to curcumine, a sign of its strength! It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Golden turmeric honey, Latte, Powder...

The range consists of products inspired by Ayurveda. Are you choosing the delicious Instantly Golden Turmeric Latte Classic, or going for a variant, for example with added cocoa? Enrich your breakfast oatmeal with a spoonful of Golden Turmeric Honey. Optimize your daily diet and add a healthy touch to every meal.

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