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Planet Paleo

Collagen-rich food has been the basis of man's diet worldwide for thousands of years. Our ancestors not only ate the meat of the animals they caught, but also the skin and bones. The idea behind the Paleo diet is to get as close as possible to the nutrients we humans used to get.

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The collagen used in Paleo Life's products comes from grazing pasture cows. They are not given antibiotics and can move freely in herds in South America. Collagen-rich food has been at the basis of the human diet for thousands of years. Very rich in proteins, which ensure that our body is structurally supported and empowered. The word collagen comes from the Greek word 'kolla', which means glue. Because of these important proteins our body is 'kept together'. Furthermore, collagen provides flexibility and plays a role in the vital organs and support of the body. The broth your grandmother gave you to strengthen when you had the flu comes from this idea: collagen-rich fuel food.

Planet Paleo believes in bringing back the paleo diet into the 21st century, by combining traditional nutritional values with advanced techniques.

All Planet Paleo products are accessible to everyone because of their handy powder form with tasty flavors.

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