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Mushrooms 4 Life

Martin Powell is world famous for his research and books on the power of medicinal mushrooms. He wants to make his knowledge and experiences available to everyone, worldwide. Hence the creation of Mushrooms 4 Life, a brand that offers products of the purest and highest quality organic mushroom supplements.

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Organic certified capsules for optimal health

All dietary supplements of Mushrooms 4 Life are made from organically certified medicinal mushrooms. A great deal of care is taken to create a valuable end product in which the effectiveness of the mushroom is maximised. Our capsules are made without additives, fillers, chemicals or artificial ingredients. Our mushrooms come directly from expert growers who offer these beautiful natural products in a completely organic way. This way you get a high class supplement with all the positive and unique properties and nutrients of the mushroom.

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in Roermond NL Hamstraat 15 
and Maastricht NL Oude Tweebergenpoort 7A
and Venlo NL Kleine Beekstraat 5 

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