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Your own health is invaluable. On this page you'll find all discount health deals from Sirius. Are you looking for nutritional supplements, health food or medicinal mushrooms? Sirius will arrange extra discounts for you on all kinds of health products from our Healthshop. Discount on health products, who wouldn't want that? Keep an eye on this page if you regularly buy health products for your own health, or that of your loved ones.

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Discount health products

Sirius knows that your own health comes first, but that it is not always easy to meet these requirements. Discounts on health products help people with lower incomes to enjoy the health benefits of our products. That is why Sirius regularly holds special discount promotions. We also try to keep the prices of our products as fair as possible so that our customers do not get any unpleasant surprises. Especially if you do not have a big wallet, or if you are looking for the best deals and discounts on health food.

Discount health products, what does that entail?
Below are some products for which Sirius often offers a discounted price.

Discount vitamin pills

Sirius sells a whole range of vitamin pills, such as vitamin C tablets, vitamin B12 and vitamin D capsules. Vitamin deficiency occurs in many people. As vitamin D is obtained for example through sunlight, a vitamin D deficiency is common, especially in winter. Older people are also more likely to suffer from vitamin deficiency. Buy discount health supplements at Sirius Smartshop for good health.

Discount L-Tryptophan supplement

For many people, a tryptophan supplement is essential to feel balanced and maintain a good rhythm in terms of sleep, rest and diet. L-tryptophan, or tryptophan, is an essential amino acid responsible for endogenous neurotransmitter production. A deficiency can cause mood swings, insomnia and a malfunctioning immune system. If you're looking for the cheapest L-tryptophan supplement, you can take a look at Sirius' discount health page. Who knows, we might offer additional discounts on our already very competitively priced products!

Discount health food

Healthy food should be available to everyone. Sirius finds it important that our customers can buy the best health food at a good price. Discount health food is about products such as honey, turmeric, hemp seeds and protein powders. All discount health food for sale at Sirius can be a valuable addition to a healthy diet. Why choose discount health food? Cheap discount health food is always great, to have more money left over to buy organic food, for example. Below is a list of some of the health benefits of discount health food:


Did you know that turmeric is known in Ayurvedic medicine for all kinds of health benefits? Nowadays, turmeric is also known and loved in the Western world as a spice in the kitchen. But there are also all kinds of health products with turmeric such as turmeric tea and turmeric honey.


Honey is not always a healthy product. Sweeteners such as sugar are often added to honey in order to make higher profits. If you choose for your health, it is better to buy propolis instead of low-quality honey. For many users, propolis is a way to boost their immune system. Especially during the winter months, propolis is for many a supplement that keeps the flu away. 

Discount hemp products

Hemp can certainly be considered a health food. Sirius sells various hemp products, such as hemp seeds and hemp protein powders. Hemp seeds contain all kinds of important nutrients, such as essential fatty acids, minerals and amino acids.  

You can also find other discount hemp products such as hemp tea. Hemp tea is made from the hemp plant, such as the leaves and flowers. Sirius sells pure hemp tea, or hemp tea with additional ingredients like ginger, mint or turmeric. Take your chance and choose discount hemp tea!

Discount medicinal mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms with extra discount? It is definitely possible. Sirius sells cheap lion's mane powders, reishi capsules and cordyceps supplements. All these medicinal mushrooms can be found in our Healthshop. If Sirius sells discount medicinal mushrooms, you will find them on this page. What are the health benefits of these supplements? Read all about it on our blog page. 

Cheapest discount health food

As you can see on our discount health page, we sell health food at discount prices. For example, you can get a 10% discount on health food and health products like vitamin pills, minerals, medicinal mushrooms, tea and much more. Our cheapest discount health food consists of high-quality food, with lots of nutrients and added benefits for you. Compare our prices to see that we keep our prices as low as possible. 

Spacemiles for extra discounts on health products

Besides our discount health page, we also have a special discount system. Save 1 Spacemile for every 5 euros you spend in our online Smartshop. With 20 Spacemiles you will receive a voucher worth 15 euros! You can also collect Spacemiles in our physical smartshops!

Go to the Spacemileshop and see all products for sale at Sirius that qualify for extra discount. Would you like extra discounts on products? Don't forget to create your own customer account to receive ongoing discounts on your purchases at That way, your saved Spacemiles will be added to your own account.

Questions about discount health products?

Sirius has been known since 1995 for the best products that are natural and fit within a healthy lifestyle. Would you like to know more about the products for sale in our Healthshop, or in our other shops? For questions about our products, please contact our customer service team. Or drop by our physical stores, in Maastricht, Roermond and Venlo.

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