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Buy healthy food

Is healthy food important for you, but you do not know where to start? In Sirius’ Healthshop you can buy healthy food that your body will thank you for. In a world where diseases of prosperity are emerging, there is a strong need to learn to listen to your own body again. One of the best steps you can take to stay fit and healthy is to consume only biological and high-quality products.

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Why buy healthy food?

To buy healthy food is to invest in yourself. People who eat healthy live longer, and have less chance of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. So, it’s always recommended to buy healthy food if you like to grow old without many problems, and minimize doctor's fees. Or, as a Greek sage once put it, "Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”.

Benefits of health food

There are all kinds of benefits for yourself and for your loved ones if you consume healthy food. What exactly are those benefits? They are quite endless. Read some examples below:

  • Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables ensures a healthy digestive system.
  • Health food like hemp seeds are packed with minerals and vitamins, important for immunity, bone health and muscle strength.
  • Healthy foods are low in unhealthy fats and sugars.
  • A healthy diet helps with healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Extra minerals and vitamins, such as in health capsules and vitamin tablets like vitamin C, can be a good addition to a healthy diet.

Hemp seeds, turmeric, and other healthy foods

Sickening processed foods are everywhere. That's why at Sirius we have a whole range of healthy foods, full of important nutrients such as proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Healthy eating starts with fresh, unprocessed, and varied foods such as vegetables, fruits, and legumes. In addition, you can supplement your diet with various superfoods, and buy healthy foods that also taste great, and can be used in all kinds of healthy recipes. You can buy healthy foods such as honey and turmeric in our online Smartshop.


Did you know that turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used as a colorful spice in cooking, and as a medicine for thousands of years? Meanwhile, it has also been scientifically proven that turmeric is a real superfood, and very healthy for all kinds of purposes. Turmeric, especially the content ingredient curcumin, might have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. You can consume turmeric fresh, or in the form of a dietary supplement like our high-quality Turmeric capsules Bio. The concentration of curcumin is much higher this way. Make sure to always inform yourself, by consulting a doctor and reading health books for extra knowledge, before starting a turmeric supplement, especially if you are taking medication.

Health benefits of hemp seeds

What’s an essential ingredient that is natural and healthy? Hemp seeds are not yet known to everyone, but they have gained a reputation as a superfood. Rightly so, because hemp seeds are packed with healthy fats, such as omega-3, and omega-6. Hemp seeds are good for brain, heart, and joint health. Additionally, hemp seeds provide an excellent source of plant-based proteins. These are important building blocks for strong muscles. Hemp seeds are not only a healthy food but also delicious. Experience the nutty, creamy taste of our premium hemp seeds, which pair perfectly with your cereal, smoothie, or salad. Try them for yourself today!

Health benefits of real honey

At Sirius, you buy honey of the highest quality, and mostly organic. Real honey is not processed, and certainly not turned into an unhealthy product with added sugar. Honey is an antioxidant, and has antibacterial properties. Antioxidants may help avoid diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. They are also very important for a healthy metabolism.

Health supplements

If you want to get your body in top shape, health supplements can be a good addition to a healthy diet. At Sirius, we always recommend not replacing healthy eating with nutritional supplements but using them as an extra boost to your health, such as for counteracting a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Additionally, we believe it's crucial to consult your doctor before using any health supplement, especially if you have any health conditions.

Buy healthy food, hemp protein shakes and powders for strength

For people who like to build extra muscle, and/or lead active lives, hemp protein shakes are an eye opener. Of course, you also get protein from healthy foods such as hemp seeds, eggs and beans. But to get enough of these important natural proteins at all times, it is a good idea to buy protein shakes, such as hemp protein shakes, and protein powders. These are plant-based protein shakes and protein powders, suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Thanks to our health powders, it is now very easy to get your dose of protein, superfoods and medicinal mushrooms. Simply add a powder to a drink, or your breakfast.

Buy healthy food in Sirius' online Healthshop

In Sirius' online Healthshop you will not only find healthy food, you can also buy vitamin supplements, nootropics, and all kinds of healthy herbs and capsules. These healthy products can have a great added value for your health, your sports performance, your sleep rhythm, your energy level, and your general mood. The products sold in our webshop are all natural, without added artificial ingredients, flavor enhancers, and the like. Do you enjoy finding the best deals? Check out our Healthshop offers - you're guaranteed to find something great.

Questions about our health food products?

Sirius has been passionate about healthy food for body and mind since 1995! That is why we carefully put together our offer, and only work with companies that uphold our values. Health, respect for nature and high quality can be found in our Healthshop. Do you have questions about healthy food, or about other products in our shop? Do not hesitate to write us an e-mail, make a phone call or drop by one of our physical stores in Maastricht, Roermond, and Venlo.

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