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With the blessings of the divine Shri. Satya Sai Baba, Late Shri K.N. Satyam Setty made a modest beginning in the manufacture of incense sticks in 1964 from a small unit. The fledgling unit was named Shrinivas Sudghandalaya. Shri Satyam Setty was soon recognized as the king of “Masala Incenses”. He created magic with his incenses. His creations like the “Nag Champa” were divine and heavenly, and are in demand all over the world, even after 5 decades.

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Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa

Indian Incense is very famous for its quality especially Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa Incense. The process of producing hand rolled agarbatti (Incense) consists of preparation of dough by mixing highly perfumed ingredients into a paste mode and it is rolled on the bamboo sticks by hand. Shrinivas Sugandhalaya the parent organization of Shrinivas Sugandhalaya LLP, Bangalore & Mumbai is the pioneer in the preparation of Handrolled incense.

This product is Handrolled with masala mix. The product is made from natural extracts and no animal fat is used in the production. The peculiar nature of manufacturing gives a long burning. Since the smoke does not contain benzine and Toluene it is free from Health Hazardous. As the quality is consistent, the end users are preferring to use it continuously.

Handrolled Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa Agarbatti is used as room freshener and for meditation purpose in western countries in their routine life. The aroma spread in the environment evokes positive energy and create an exciting attitude.

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