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Adwa Instruments

Founded in 1998, Adwa Instruments is one of the leading manufacturers of instrumentation to measure pH, Conductivity, ORP, Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature for Research and Industry. Headquartered in Szeged, Hungary with a manufacturing plant in Romania, Europe, Adwa Instruments is dedicated through a worldwide distributor network, to provide top class instrumentation and service.

Total quality and customer satisfaction is the guiding principle of Adwa Instruments. We try to anticipate, to understand and go beyond the expectations of our customers. Total quality demands continuous improvement in all our processes, products, and services.
As a result, our corporate philosophy is focused on total customer satisfaction.

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Thanks to the customers' feedback, we have developed a line of user-friendly products which are durable, reliable and accurate, with an excellent cost-performance ratio. All of our instruments are supplied complete with the necessary electrodes, probes, calibration solutions and are ready for use. Some units combine two or more parameters, providing added versatility and excellent value for money. From basic handheld units to our high-performance bench type laboratory devices, Adwa Instruments has a reputation for reliability and accuracy.

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in Roermond NL Hamstraat 15 
and Maastricht NL Oude Tweebergenpoort 7A
and Venlo NL Kleine Beekstraat 5 

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