More about Flowermate V5.0S
Flowermate vaporizers use conduction heat to vaporize your aromatic blends, in a ceramic heating chamber that is specifically designed to evenly vaporize your material without stirring.
USB charging allows you to power up almost anywhere, with pass-through support so you can keep vaping while charging, and a 6-minute auto-shutoff feature preserves battery life.
The Flowermate V5.0S easily fits in your pocket and looks like a power bank. The loading chamber and stem are hidden in sliding compartments for a discreet look.
To clean the Flowermate just brush off the loading chamber and screens after use, or use a cotton swab with Isopropyl alcohol if there is build up.
The Flowermate V5.0S has a temperature control system with three different temperatures. You can easily set the temperature yourself.
Temperature settings: 196°C (385°F), 204°C (400°F) and 213°C (415°F).
Included in the box are:
- FlowerMate vaporizer
- Glass mouthpiece
- USB charger
- Cleaning tool
- Packing tool
- User manual