More about EZ Test Cocaine Purity
Both EZ Test and Sirius do not encourage the use of any illegal substances.
But we are non-judgemental, being neither for or against such personal choices.
Our mission is to increase awareness of the huge variation in purity and contaminants in illegal drugs, and their associated risks.
The Cocaine Purity Test enables you to quickly get an idea about the purity of the cocaine.
This is, by far, the most advanced test on the market for people who want to know what they are dealing with.
The EZ Test Cocaine Purity Test is very insensitive to the usual cuts such as mannitol and such, and also it does not react with levamisole. As a bonus, is does not react to any other substance from the family of cocaine (lidocaine, procaine,etc.), which are frequently used to fool the poor soul who wants to taste it to assess the quality. These other -caines will only produce a numbing effect (at best) and contribute to really bad hangovers!!
This test can’t tell you anything about the identity of the substance that may have been used for cutting the sample. For this purpose we recommend further testing with our EZ Test for Cocaine Cuts.
Individually packed tests, each with detailed instructions and a color chart.
How to use?
- Break open the ampoule.

- Insert a small amount of the sample.

- Put the plastic lid on and shake well.

- Compare the colour change with the graph.