More about EZ Test CBD/THC
Both EZ Test and Sirius do not encourage the use of any illegal substances.
But we are non-judgemental, being neither for or against such personal choices.
Our mission is to increase awareness of the huge variation in purity and contaminants in illegal drugs, and their associated risks.
This EZ Test for CBD / THC - Hemp Typing was created following reports of samples of industrial hemp being sold as cannabis herbs on the international cannabis market.
Such hemp is sometimes "processed" with synthetic cannabinoids such as MDMB-4and-PINACA.
The test itself gives a pink/purple colour when the sample contains mainly CBD and a blue colour when THC is the dominant cannabinoid in the sample.
This allows the consumer to identify the type of hemp/cannabis being tested.
All EZ tests use a chemical reagent that is absorbed into silica gel contained in a glass ampoule.
How to use?
- Break open the ampoule.

- Insert a small amount of the sample.

- Put on the plastic lid and shake well.

- Compare the colour change with the graph.