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EZ Test

If you plan on taking any psychoactive substances, then drug testing is the smart thing to do, for one simple reason: it saves lives! EZ Test is a major provider of DIY drug testing kits for professionals and individuals who need to quickly identify a suspect sample. Find out if a sample contains what would be expected or if it has another substance in it. It is better to know what you take! The EZ Test will show results within seconds. All EZ test kits are reliable and accurate DIY drug testing kits. An EZ test kit is safe and easy to use. Sirius does not endorse the use of illicit and potentially dangerous substances but instead promotes safer use and harm reduction. 

Navigation: Why should you use Drug Tests?  EZ test Kits Drug Tests  Test drugs yourself with EZ Test Kits EZ Test how to use Order your EZ test kit at

Why should you use Drug Tests? 

A lot of drugs are only available from uncontrolled sources such as the black market. Many dealers cut their product or sell something completely different. Using drug tests is a valuable tool for recreational drug users who want to engage in safer use. Sirius’ online Smartshop offers different EZ Tests that allow you to test drugs yourself. 

EZ test Kits Drug Tests 

EZ Test is one of the leading developers of do-it-yourself drug test kits. For almost a decade, this brand has been giving users of (illegal) psychoactive substances the opportunity to test their drugs. EZ tests mission is to increase the awareness of the risks that are associated with buying drugs on the street. The EZ test team keeps on conducting research on how to improve the quality of their products, so that drug users can accurately identify what exactly they are taking. 

Test drugs yourself with EZ Test Kits

Testing Drugs yourself can be a simple task if you are using an EZ test kit. For any popular party drug, there are EZ test kits available. Check out the EZ Test Ecstasy, EZ Test Cocaine, and EZ Test LSD and EZ Test Ketamine if you are interested. You can even determine the potency of your own cannabis, by using the EZ test CBD/THC.  

There are also new EZ test kits that can test for the purity of a certain substance, such as the EZ test MDMA purity or the EZ test Cocaine purity.

Lastly, there is a revolutionary EZ test kit that detect cocaine cuts as this is a drug that is often laced with dangerous byproducts. Click the following link to order the EZ test cocaine cuts.

EZ Test how to use

If you think you need to work in a laboratory to engage in drug testing, then you are wrong! EZ test kits can be used by anyone from the comfort of their home. Just follow the following steps:

  1. Break open the ampoule.

Open ampoule EZ test

2. Insert a small amount of the sample.

insert ez test

3. Put on the plastic lid and shake well.

Shake ez test

4. Compare the colour change with the graph.

Graph ez test colors

The evaluation is simple and intuitive thanks to a coloring scale specifically tailored to each EZ test kit. 

Order your EZ test kit at

Sirius does not wish to promote the use of any illicit and/or potentially dangerous substances. However, if people plan to ingest something anyway, we want to ensure that this can happen in a safe and controlled way. That’s why we offer EZ test kits so that drug users can be assured that they know exactly what they take. The only popular substance for which no EZ test kit is available is psilocybin, but Sirius still got you covered: In our online Smartshop we offer the brand new miraculix PSILO-QTest, the first DIY drug test for psilocybin concentrations. If you still have any questions about EZ tests, or drug testing in general, feel free to contact our customer service. If you prefer to receive personal advice about EZ test kits and/or the PsiloQ test, you can visit our Smartshop in Maastricht, Venlo or Roermond

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