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1. Poppers 2. Short term effect 3. Active substance4. Sex drug at disco parties 5. Poppers and sex6. Sexually arousing drugs based on natural ingredients7. Poppers and rape: date-rape drug?8. Effects of poppers9. Physical effects10. Mental effects11. Risks12. Dangerous combinations


You'll find them mostly in sex shops: poppers. A class of different drugs that are popular and mainly used for sexual activities. Poppers include a number of volatile and short-acting drugs. The scientific name for these substances is 'alkyl nitrites'. Poppers are party drugs that have a relaxing effect on the muscles and cause an intense intoxication. Nowadays poppers are especially popular during sex events, in gay clubs and at closed parties. 

Short term effect 

Poppers are inhaled through the nose. When the bottle is opened, the user holds it nder their nose so that the released vapors can be inhaled. Sometimes it’s put on a handkerchief and inhaled that way. Another option is to dip a cigarette into the bottle and smell it. It is very dangerous to touch or drink the contents of the bottle! 

The vapor smells strong and creates a short-lived and intense effect. The effect of poppers is noticeable after about 15 seconds and lasts only about 3 minutes. 

Other methods of use, such as taking poppers orally, are extremely dangerous. The stuff is highly irritating to the skin and can result in coma or death. 

Because of its chemical composition, poppers evaporate very quickly at room temperature. The evaporation point is very low, as is typical of the substances alkyl nitrites. The vials are kept in the refrigerator because they lose their effect more quickly at room temperature. 

By itself, the drug has a liquid form, is yellowish in color and has a strongly unpleasant odor. The drug is made in a laboratory and is therefore synthetic

Science has not yet fully determined how exactly the substance does its work in the body. Poppers cause your blood pressure to drop and smooth muscles to relax. The reason why it is popular during sex is immediately clear: the muscles, including those of the vagina and anus, relax, making penetration easier.

Active substance

As mentioned earlier, the term "poppers" covers several substances. The most common is amyl nitrite. Some products also contain butyl nitrite or isobutyl nitrite. 

The bottles are sold under different brand names such as Liquid Gold, Orgasmus, Jungle Juice and Rush. 

Sex drug at disco parties 

The word "poppers" is derived from the verb "to pop" and refers to the opening of the ampoule, which poppers used to contain, when it was still available as a medicine. 

Poppers are now marketed in bottle form. The label often includes disguising terms such as "air freshener" or "leather cleaner”. Since 2003 poppers have no longer been freely available in the Netherlands and manufacturers have been forced to market the stuff in a less ostentatious manner. 

The drug was introduced in the 1960s as a medicine for angina pectoris, a condition of the heart that causes a heavy, pressing feeling in the chest. Because of its very short-lived effects, it was deemed unsuitable as a drug. 

It was the intense effect of a few minutes that made the drug popular because of its quick kick. 

During the disco scene in the 70s and 80s, the use of the drug became better known and became part of the culture. Subsequently, the drug became even more prevalent with the subsequent rave scene. Along with other hard drugs including cocaine, heroin and speed, poppers formed a popular drug in the nightlife scene. 

Users compare the effects to a combination of methamphetamine and MDMA. An extreme rush combined with feelings of love and sex. Also, the whole body is extremely sensitive to touch and several muscles are very relaxed. 

Poppers and sex

Why are poppers popular? They make you relax more and enjoy sex even better. The effect is libido enhancing and has a stimulating effect on the genitals. The anus can relax more, making penetration easier. 

Poppers are popular with people who have anal sex, as happens in the gay scene, among others. The relaxation makes sex easier.

There are also risks associated with using poppers during sex. For example, the penis can become more difficult to get hard, even after the effects wear off. Frequent use can cause permanent symptoms such as erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, poppers have a negative effect on the skin. When the drug comes into contact with the skin, but also when inhaled through the nose, irritation can occur, resulting in wounds.

It can be life-threatening to combine poppers with other aphrodisiac drugs or drugs that facilitate getting an erection. 

Sexually arousing drugs based on natural ingredients

As an alternative to the synthetic drugs poppers, Sirius offers a range of natural aphrodisiac herbal capsules, love bonbons and arousal combinations. Below is a brief overview of Smartshop products that are sexually stimulating:

Damiana: This plant has been used by humans for centuries by drinking it as a tea. It is also possible to smoke Damiana, for example as an alternative to tobacco. Damiana is an aphrodisiac; this means that it makes the skin more sensitive, allows more blood to flow to the genitals and creates the perfect atmosphere for steamy lovemaking. 

Blue Lotus: another stimulating plant that was already used by the Ancient Egyptians to take sex to the next level. Blue Lotus is considered an aphrodisiac that helps to increase pleasure, libido and stamina. Try Blue Lotus from Open Up now. 

Love chocolates Blue Lotus, Damiana and Guarana: a delicious chocolate with an exciting mix of different aphrodisiac ingredients. 

Poppers and rape: date-rape drug?

Like GHB, poppers have a reputation for being used by rapists to make it easier for their victim to engage in sex. Unfortunately, the drug is indeed associated with sexual assault. Especially for homophiles, its use is dangerous, as poppers can make them more likely to prey on a rapist. Nowadays poppers can also be found at sex parties, orgies and in gay clubs. 

Effects of poppers

This list is not exhaustive and only provides an overview of the effects of poppers. There is a distinction between physical effects and mental effects. These effects can be either positive or negative. 

Physical effects

  • Low blood pressure: poppers cause a reduction in blood pressure.
  • Muscle relaxation: one of the characteristics of poppers is the relaxing effect on muscles, especially muscles near the genitals such as the vagina and anus. 
  • Headaches: several users report headaches after using poppers. Reasons for this are probably the rapid dilation of blood vessels in the brain.
  • Accelerated heart rate: the short and intense effect of poppers affects the entire body. In a very short time, the heart rate can accelerate and a warm feeling occurs. The head in particular can feel very warm in a short time. You may also become dizzy.
  • Vascular dilation: very quickly, the blood vessels can dilate and this causes more blood to flow, including to the brain. This can feel like a strong "rush”. 
  • Physical euphoria: in addition to physical arousal and a desire for sex, a feeling of euphoria may also occur. 
  • Intense orgasm: one of the characteristics of poppers is that it significantly affects and intensifies your sex experience. It is possible to have a stronger orgasm that lasts longer.

Mental effects

  • Increased libido: aphrodisiac feelings and increased desire for sex are often the result of taking poppers.
  • Time perception: some users experience a delay in time. Thus, an activity, such as sex, may seem to take longer. 


  • Oral use: Poppers can have a life-threatening effect when taken orally. 
  • Overdose: The risk of overdose is real and can lead to hypotension, shock, anemia and death. 
  • Highly flammable: poppers are highly sensitive to fire. So be careful of lighters, matches and candles.
  • Respiratory irritation: a common side effect of using poppers is respiratory irritation. 
  • Vision problems: there is a risk of poor vision, especially for users who are particularly susceptible or if you use poppers frequently. If your vision is blurred after using poppers you should stop using them immediately. 

Dangerous combinations

  • Viagra: When poppers are used in combination with erectile stimulants such as viagra, an acute life-threatening effect can occur. The rapid and extreme dilation of blood vessels, especially in the brain, can cause a dangerous reaction. Some of the risks associated with the use of poppers are:
  • Alcohol: Like poppers, alcohol has a blood pressure lowering effect. This can combine to create an effect that is too strong. This also applies to other drugs with similar effects on blood pressure including opiates and benzodiazepines).  This increases the risk of dizziness and fainting. 

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