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1. Magic Truffles 2. Active substance(s)3. Effect4. Usage5. Truffle tea6. Dosage7. Contra indications

Magic Truffles

Sclerotia, also known as Magic Truffles or Philosopher’s Stones are a hallucinogenic product from Mother Nature. Sclerotia act on the consciousness giving a more intense conscious experience of the world and circumstances around. Many users find this experience wholesome and very valuable.

Active substance(s)

RESEARCH The active substance in sclerotia is a plant alkaloid called psilocybin. Psilocybin is a tryptamine that is chemically similar to the human neurotransmitter DMT (dimethyltryptamine). DMT is one of the strongest visionary psychedelics, which occurs abundantly in nature (trees, grasses, etc.) and is easily broken down by the body’s MAO enzymes, leaving no toxic byproducts behind. In 2006, a group of researchers, from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (a highly regarded center of medical education and research) in Baltimore U.S.A., led by Roland R Griffiths conducted an experiment assessing the degree of mystical experience and attitudinal effects of the psilocybin experience; this report was published in the journal Psychopharmacology. The researchers have shown that the active agent can induce mystical/spiritual/entheogenic experiences descriptively identical to spontaneous ones people have reported for centuries. The resulting experiences apparently prompt positive changes in behavior and attitude that last several months, at least. Psilocybin mimics the effect of serotonin on brain receptors- as do some other hallucinogens. In the study, more than 60 percent of subjects described the effects of psilocybin in ways that met criteria for a “full mystical experience” as measured by established psychological scales. One third said the experience was the single most spiritually significant of their lifetimes; and more than two-thirds rated it among their five most meaningful and spiritually significant. The researcher says subjects liken it to the importance of the birth of their first child or the death of a parent. Two months later, 79 percent of subjects reported moderately or greatly increased well-being or life satisfaction compared with those given a placebo at the same test session. A majority said their mood, attitudes and behaviors had changed for the better. Structured interviews with family members, friends and co-workers generally confirmed the subjects’ remarks.


TRIP Ten minutes to one hour after consumption you will start to notice the first effects, seeing and hearing things better and more intensely. You’ll notice a rapid change in the perception of ordinary reality. This often comes down to a good series of laughs. This cheerful start soon transcends into confused feelings. This is due to reality looking so different, your mind just cannot grasp it anymore. As the outer confusion intensifies, the inner visions (best seen in a dark room) become clearer. The nature of the trip depends upon the person taking it and the mood or state of mind that person is in. So your experience could very well be quite different from what you read here or hear from other people. The trip takes about 6 hours and wears down gradually. The interval between hallucinations gets longer, until they disappear completely.


Although the body can handle psilocybin quite well, the mind can get quite confused. It is important to consider that the effects may lead to a confrontation with yourself, allowing hidden emotions to come out in the forefront including feelings of fear, anguish or panic. In order to prevent such experiences it is advisable to use sclerotia only when you are feeling well and comfortable in trusted and familiar circumstances at home or in nature and in good company, preferably with a sober sitter nearby. The fresh truffles must be kept in the refrigerator. The best way to use truffles is to eat them. But this doesn’t taste that well, and sometimes leaves a heavy feeling in the stomach, which can be a disturbing sensation while tripping.

Truffle tea

Although psilocybin is sensitive to heating, it’s possible to make truffle tea, which is more tasty and easy to digest than fresh or dried truffles.

  1. Chop the truffles into small pieces
  2. Boil some water, turn the heat down and add the chopped truffles
  3. Let them boil softly for about 20 minutes
  4. You can then add a little honey or flavoured tea and drink the tea

Another method is to simply poor some very hot (not boiling) water on the truffles, let it soak for about 10 minutes, and then repeat the procedure with new hot water.


Take 5 to 9 grams fresh truffles for a normal trip and 10 to 15 grams fresh truffles for a strong trip. Please note: it is possible that during the shipping process the stones dry a little bit. This decreases their weight. But don’t worry: the remaining truffles are just as strong as the dosage mentioned above.

Contra indications

Do not use when pregnant, nursing, depressed, on medication, driving motorized vehicles, under 18 years old, in combination with stimulants or alcohol. The first time you use truffles make sure someone with more experience is around in case you need help, for example when you feel sick or scared. Treat the truffles with respect, be alert to your environment and help those who take it for the first time.

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