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1. Psilocybe mushrooms and truffles 2. Active substance(s)3. Effect

Psilocybe mushrooms and truffles

For centuries, psilocybin mushrooms have been consumed by members of many tribes and peoples all over the world. To most of them this was a religious, spiritual matter, like shamans using magic mushrooms as agents to enter the world of their gods, who would give them good advise, healing powers or the ability to predict the future. Evidence of magic mushroom use has been found, dating from as far back as the Aztecs. Recently they have been re-discovered in the western world, and are now being used for more recreational purposes. Still, they should be treated with the same respect and dignity as the early tribes had for them.  

Active substance(s)

Psilocybin and psilocin. For anyone in normal to good physical and mental condition, the use of psilocybin mushrooms is relatively safe and not addictive. Frequent use decreases the effects, and a lethal dose would be impossible to ingest by eating mushrooms.


About 30-45 minutes after ingestion, one will feel the initial effects of a 4-6 hour trip, of which the first 1-2 hours are the most intense. To someone who has never tried any hallucinogen a trip is hard to explain, but here is a list of effects one could experience when on magic mushrooms: A change in mood, either euphoria or the opposite (bad trip); A dreamy state, loss of attention and concentration, slow thinking, feelings of unreality or depersonalisation; Blurred vision, brighter colours, longer afterimages and sharp definition of objects; Increased hearing abilities; Colourful, kaleidoscopic patterns seen with eyes closed, and sometimes even on objects or surfaces in field of vision; Incoordination, difficult and tremulous speech; Great empathy, or even an unusual ability to perceive the feelings of people in the environment; A few auditory hallucinations; An uncontrollable urge to laugh; Alternately feeling hot and cold.

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