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1. Ephedra 2. Scientific name3. Family4. Native to5. Active substance(s)6. Effect7. Usage8. Dosage


A broom-like shrub, up to 1 metre high, with green-yellow flowers and small red berries. The Chinese have been using Ma Huang as a natural stimulant for over 5000 years. Ephedra Nevadensis (America), Ephedra Pachiclada (Middle East) and Ephedra Distycha (Europe) are variations from other parts of the world, with similar but milder effects.

Scientific name

Ephedra Sinica.



Native to

China (Ma Huang is the Chinese name).

Active substance(s)



Ephedra works as an energizer and a stimulant; it produces a clear mind and increases stamina. The active ingredient of Ma Huang, ephedrine, has been proven to act as a natural energetic factor that turns body fat into heat, helping you to loose weight in a natural way. Finally, ephedrine has a relaxing effect on the airways, which makes it suitable for the treatment of asthma.


Cut and dried branches are boiled to make a tea.


1 teaspoon per cup of tea.

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