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1. Catuaba 2. Natural Aphrodisiac3. Active constituents of Catuaba4. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of Catuaba5. Uses of Catuaba6. Combination with Muira puama7. Combination with caffeine8. Catuaba and Sirius energy capsules


Catuaba is the name for a medicine originating in Brazil. It has a great reputation as a natural aid for mental problems such as depression and as an aphrodisiac. Among the Tupi Indians, Catuaba was already a popular medicine. The word "catuaba" comes from the Guarani language and means "that which gives strength to an Indian”.

Natural Aphrodisiac

Man has always been interested in ways to enhance and intensify sexual performance. There are numerous resources found in nature that are used by humans to improve the quality of sex. For example, stamina can be enhanced and the intensity of orgasm increased. On a mental level, aphrodisiacs can help improve the state of mind, which in turn contributes to a pleasurable experience. Aphrodisiacs also help with certain problems in bed, for example, men with erection problems or when it is difficult to have an orgasm. 

There are many aphrodisiacs in circulation, both natural and chemically produced. Several of these can be harmful to your health and have negative side effects. Always make sure you know what kind of product you are dealing with. It is best to choose reliable information and the most natural ingredients possible. Even though this is not meant to say that natural aphrodisiacs cannot be harmful to your health. 

Catuaba has been used as a natural aphrodisiac for hundreds of years. Although scientific evidence for this is scarce, there are plenty of stories of experience where this drug is said to help improve sexual performance in both men and women. 

What is Catuaba?

Catuaba is the name for a tea or infusion made from the bark of certain tree species found in Brazil. Despite what is believed, Catuaba does not come from one particular species, but is usually a mixture of different trees. In total, there are about twenty species referred to as Catuaba. Hence, it has long been a difficult issue for botanists as to how best to classify this medicine. Trees that are most commonly used are Trichilia catigua and Erythroxylum vaccinifolium. These species are also related to the coca plant. Catuaba, however, contains none of the alkaloids found in cocaine.

The tree Erythroxylum catuaba is regularly described as the source of Catuaba. However, this species is not known today and it is unclear exactly which tree is meant by this. It is likely that it is an extinct species. 

Active constituents of Catuaba

Catuaba contains several alkaloids. They are also called catuabins. Their action can be compared to certain drugs used for the central nervous system. Catuabines are so-called tropane alkaloids. Tropane is a substance found in medications used for people with depression or addiction. These medications often use extracts from plants that have a similar chemical profile to the trees from which Catuaba is made. 

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of Catuaba

Research shows that Catuaba appears promising in treating certain bacterial infections. For this study, the species Trichilia catigua was used. Also, Catuaba contains anti-inflammatory properties. 

Uses of Catuaba

In the rest of the world Catuaba is not as well known as it is in Brazil. More research is needed to better document its properties. Experience stories show that Catuaba has interesting qualities as a mood enhancer. 

To experience the calming, antidepressant properties of Catuaba, it is recommended that an infusion or tea be made and drunk from it every day. Because Catuaba's effects are not obviously stimulating, it may be difficult at first to notice exactly what its qualities are. After a few days, the subtle effect would take on a more definite outline and a difference in mood should become noticeable. In Brazil, Catuaba is widely used for its calming effect, which is very suitable for people who experience a lot of stress, people suffering from depression or addiction. It is also known as a fatigue remedy, as a way to improve cognitive functions. Thus, Catuaba is used as a tonic and taken daily as a supplement to improve memory and counteract aging symptoms related to the degeneration of brain functions.

Combination with Muira puama

Catuaba is excellent to combine with another aphrodisiac originating from the Amazon forest: Muira puama. This small tree is well known in Brazil and is gaining popularity in other parts of the world. This aphrodisiac is also used as a way to perform better in bed and improve mood. Muira puama is especially popular among men as a means to increase libido, improve stamina and strengthen erectile function. Not surprisingly, another name for the aphrodisiac is "potency wood. Together with Catuaba, it creates a synergistic effect. Whether used as an aphrodisiac or as a way to improve mood, reduce stress and minimize signs of aging. Among the indigenous people of Brazil, Muira Puama is considered a beloved medicine with a variety of uses.

Combination with caffeine

Catuaba is also liked to be combined with caffeine-containing drugs. According to various user experiences, the combination causes the energy-giving effects of caffeine to take on a more euphoric hue, thus creating a pleasant intoxication. To experience this effect yourself you can drink Catuaba as a tea with the addition of Yerba Mate, a well-known drink in South America for its energizing properties. Just as coffee is drunk here, Yerba Mate is a caffeinated beverage enjoyed by all layers of society. 

Catuaba and Sirius energy capsules

Catuaba can be further combined with energy capsules that the Sirius range is rich in. The natural ingredients of these capsules consist of various vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. The stress relieving and positive mood effects of Catuaba work well with the effects of these smart drugs. 

Pure Bionix Cacao: These capsules contain caffeine for a stimulating effect. Furthermore, they contain a highly concentrated pure cacao extract. Cacao contains the substance theobromine. This is an alkaloid that has a similar profile to caffeine. The substance acts on the heart muscle, causes dilation of the blood vessels and relaxation of the lungs. In this way, the substance can contribute to a positive feeling. 

NXT Phase Purple: In the NXT Phase line of Sirius there are several energizing mixes, each with its own color. This color represents the specific effect that the natural ingredients are responsible for. NXT Phase Purple is a natural mood enhancer. This is due to an extract of Griffonia. This plant contains the precursor of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that plays an important role in how we feel. The effect of these capsules can be compared to a natural version of MDMA and then of course without the well-known "dip". The serotonin level of the body is not affected so there is no shortage. Various amino acids and B vitamins also provide an extra boost for both body and mind.

Catuaba: an alcoholic beverage

In Brazil, Catuaba is also known as an alcoholic beverage. There are several versions of this drink in circulation and today there is a renewed interest among younger generations. The drink is also called a Brazilian love potion and consists of sweet, cheap wine to which various herbs and plant extracts are added, including, of course, Catuaba. Further additions include guarana, and fermented apple juice for flavor. Brazil's cocktail culture has seen an increasing interest in drinks made from authentic, quality ingredients, rather than the mass culture and consumption that has grown out of proportion in recent years. Catuaba, meanwhile, exists as a drink with several special ingredients including cane sugar, wormwood, various spices, amburana seeds and various spirits including cachaça or vermouth.

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