During office hours (mo-fr 9.00-17.00 hrs CET) you can get in touch with our service team. Our customer service is closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday and Monday, May 5th 2025 (Liberation Day), Ascension, Whit Sunday and Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. If you send us a message using the form below, we will respond as soon as possible.
Office / Wholesale address:
Bergstraat 25
6131AV, Sittard
Contact details:
Tel.nr.: +31 46 45 75 801
E-mail: [email protected]
Post address:
Bergstraat 23
6131AV, Sittard
Future Necessities B.V., Sittard
KvK-nummer: 14061832
VAT number: NL807991685B01
IBAN: NL77INGB0654840202, Future Necessities BV
Do you have a question or remark about one of our products? Then you can reach us through the above data or fill out our contactform below.
Please take into account the legislation of the country to which you want your orders to be sent. Our webshop is subject to Dutch law.
By clicking Continue, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older and that you have taken note of and agree to our warning regarding applicable legislation.
Our physical Sirius Smart Shops are also OPEN
in Roermond NL Hamstraat 15
and Maastricht NL Oude Tweebergenpoort 7A
and Venlo NL Kleine Beekstraat 5