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Cola Nut

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Cola nut is a natural source of caffeine, colanine and theobromine.
The nut is best known for its typical taste, which is used in many hot and cold drinks. The name cola originates from this nut.
Traditionally, the nut is used as a vitalising tonic and to stimulate digestion by chewing the dried nuts. Suitable as an alternative to coffee, many users report a more relaxed and longer-lasting effect, with a considerable amount of mental energy in particular.
Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons in a drink or yogurt.

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1-2 teaspoons
50 grams of powder.
€ 8,00 Available from stock
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More about Cola Nut

The popularity of the cola nut is mainly due to its stimulating and stimulating properties. It helps your body convert fats into energy by stimulating metabolism and promoting the excretion of gastric juices. The effects of cola nut can be compared with the properties of coffee, tea, cocoa, yerba mate and guarana, but with cola nut the feeling of euphoria and a pleasant feeling is stronger.

Sexual stimulating

Cola nut is seen as an aphrodisiac. Your body becomes more sensitive to touching, your heartbeat goes up a little, you get a bit warmer and the feeling of hunger is suppressed. You also feel alert and can improve your mood. The effects can last for up to 6 hours.

Cafeïne and theobromine

As mentioned before, cola nut contains caffeine (about three times as much as coffee). This invigorating substance provides more alertness, energy and accelerates the heart rate. Cola nut also contains theobromine, this substance is also found in cocoa (the name theobromine comes from the Greek name for cocoa, which means 'food of the gods'). This substance also contributes to the stimulating effect of cola nut. However, it works in a different way than caffeine. This alkaloid relaxes the bronchi in the lungs and has an influence on the vagus nerve, which is the 'wandering nerve' that runs through the body. It has been shown to work better than codeine in suppressing a cough.


Cola nut is used to give you more energy mentally and physically. Mix 1 teaspoon with your tea, coffee or yoghurt for a long-lasting and steady energy. Two teaspoons for a real kick.


Cola Nut


Don't take Cola nut too late at night, if you want to sleep well. Prolonged use can increase blood pressure and lead to sleeplessness.

Scientific name

Cola Nitida

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Cola Nut € 8,00
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