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The cannabinoid CBG is increasingly in the spotlight. In addition to CBD, more and more research is being done on this subject and the results are promising. Especially in combination with CBD, the therapeutic properties of these substances can be strengthened and the entourage effect brought about. This means that the combination of different substances has an even more powerful effect than the individual substances. CBGA (the acidic, or unheated form of CBG) forms the basis, called the stem cell, in the cannabinoid pathway. From this all other cannabinoids are formed. Experience for yourself the primal power of CBG!


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The therapeutic effect of cannabinoids

Cibiday now also offers CBG oil, a powerful blend of two cannabinoids, cannabidiol and cannabigerol. The hemp plants used to produce these powerful substances are EU-certified and subject to strict quality control. This oil does not cause a psychoactive effect, you will not get stoned or high from it.
More and more research is being done on CBG, a less known, but no less interesting cannabinoid. The information obtained by these studies is promising. Of the more than 400 active substances in the cannabis plant, CBGA (the acidic or unheated form of CBG) forms the basis from which all other cannabinoids are formed. She is, as it were, the mother of all these other powerful substances. Cannabinoids are recognized and very easily absorbed by the body thanks to certain receptors that we all contain.

Synergy between CBD and CBG

Cibiday has chosen to combine the cannabinoids CBD and CBG in one oil. In this way, the two substances can work together in harmony with each other. This synergistic reaction can enhance the effects of both substances and makes the oil extra powerful! This is also called the entourage effect and although there is still more research to be done, it seems clear that the therapeutic effect can have a positive influence on the welfare of humans and animals. Or choose a pure CBG oil and mix it yourself with CBD oil to get the perfect combination between these two powerful substances.


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