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CBD Candy

CBD candy is for people who use CBD and would like some variety. If you don't want to only use CBD oil, or CBD capsules, CBD edibles can be a good solution. CBD candy is tasty and contains negligible amounts of THC. As a result, you won't get stoned or high. CBD sweets are an easy and tasty way to get your dose of cannabidiol. CBD candy is also great for showing love as a nice gift to someone close to you.

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What is CBD candy?

CBD candy is sweets containing cannabidiol. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. CBD is a substance that does not get you stoned or high. All CBD sweets for sale at Sirius contain negligible amounts of THC, which means you can't get high.

You can find all kinds of CBD products in the CBDshop, including a large assortment of CBD treats, such as CBD candy, as well as lollipops and candy pillows.

CBD candy is available in numerous flavors and colors. The bitter taste of CBD is masked by the sugar and other ingredients, such as mint, cinnamon or licorice. If you love sweetness, you're definitely going to find something in our assortment of candy that will win a place in your heart.

Typically, a candy contains 4 mg of CBD, which corresponds to a low dose of CBD. By comparison, these Jacob Hooy CBD capsules contain 10 mg of CBD each.

What does CBD candy do?

CBD sweets are first and foremost a tasty snack to enjoy occasionally. In addition, CBD candy is used to experience potential benefits of CBD. Although we are not allowed to make health claims about CBD, this cannabinoid is used by many users for a variety of complaints.

For example, there are users who take CBD candy to calm down, support immunity, aid in skin problems and help with improving the quality of sleep. The list of reasons why people use CBD is very long, and it keeps growing.

If you compare CBD candy to smoking CBD, for example, it is clear that this is better for your lungs and better to consume for that reason.

CBD candy is easy to dose. This way, you get your dose of cannabidiol quickly and easily!

What are CBD edibles?

CBD edibles, or edible CBD, come in many forms. It’s food to which CBD has been added. This is the reason why CBD candy is also called CBD edible, or CBD-infused food.

You can choose to make your own CBD edibles, using high-quality CBD oil. It is also possible to mix a few drops of oil through a dish. For example, a salad with CBD, or yogurt with CBD.

However, if you fancy a sweet treat, you're in the right place at Sirius' CBD candy shop!

Enjoy CBD and snack wisely

Because it does contain a certain amount of sugar, it is recommended to consume CBD candy in moderation. Not only is too much sugar bad for the teeth, it can also have negative effects on blood pressure, for example. Therefore, we recommend viewing CBD candy as a tasty treat, and certainly do not recommend consuming large quantities of it daily. If you are interested in CBD, take a look at our CBDshop and choose a product that you can take every day.

If you enjoy these CBD sweets, don’t forget to brush your teeth afterwards to minimize tooth decay.

Artisanal CBD candy in different flavors

Sirius has a whole range of artisanal CBD. These CBD treats each have their own flavor, such as honey, as well as herbal blends with eucalyptus.

This candy makes a sweet gift for someone who is sick, or happy for a thoughtful (and delicious) surprise.

Below are some examples of CBD candy, for sale at Sirius:

CBD candy with mint

These CBD pillows mint contain about 4 mg of CBD per candy and have a fresh mint flavor. They could be perfect for children, who do not like the taste of cannabidiol, but could still benefit from CBD. Warning: CBD should only be given to children after discussing with a doctor or practitioner / specialist.

CBD Get Well Soon

Delicious CBD Get Well Soon candy with an herbal blend specially formulated to help you feel better when you are not feeling your best. A combination of cinnamon, eucalyptus, anise and honey. Like the other CBD candy, it contains hemp plants, which are strictly controlled for permissible amounts of THC.

CBD honey

These are CBD treats that have a soothing effect on the throat. CBD honey is not only delicious, thanks to the added addition of eucalyptus, they are also a way to soothe a sore throat, or reduce a flu. A blend of different hemp varieties is used for this candy.

CBD lollipops

One of our most popular products are Cibiday's CBD lollipops. These lollipops come in two different flavors: apple and strawberry. For the real enthusiasts, there is even a bucket of CBD lollies for sale!

These lollipops are not only a tasty CBD treat, they are also suitable when you smoke a joint, and like something soothing. CBD can help reduce anxiety that can be induced by THC.

CBD candy for pain, does it work?

CBD candy for pain, does it even exist? Like other CBD products, you could use CBD edibles for pain. There are users who benefit greatly from the natural effects of CBD. Several users report that CBD has an analgesic effect on the body. It is therefore used for a variety of pain conditions, such as:

  • joint pain
  • menstrual pain
  • muscle pain
  • nerve pain
  • chronic pain

The CBD treats for sale at Sirius contain a relatively low dose of CBD. It is possible that CBD edibles for pain will not be sufficient. Also, it is not wise to use CBD candy exclusively, due to the high sugar content.

It is possible to use another CBD product in addition to CBD candy. For example, consider CBD+ oil 10% from Jacob Hooy. 1 drop of CBD oil is about 0.05ml and contains about 5 mg of CBD.

Do you get high from CBD?

A frequently asked question is whether CBD gets you high. The answer to that is: no, definitely not. Sirius sells CBD products that are all legal and must meet strict requirements. According to legislation, it is only allowed to sell CBD products with a THC percentage below 0.2%. Because of this, you will not experience any effects like when using cannabis products that contain THC.

Questions about using CBD?

At Sirius, not only can you buy the best quality CBD products, but you can also contact us with questions about using CBD. Don't hesitate to send us an e-mail or give us a call, via our customer service.

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