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What is Blue Lotus? Questions about this psychoactive flower answered
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In this blog item History of blue lotus: a sacred flowerWhat can you use Blue Lotus for and what are the effects?Blue Lotus is an aphrodisiacCombining Blue Lotus with DamianaCombining Blue Lotus with Muira PuamaLove Chocolate Ecstasy with Blue Lotus and Muira PuamaCombining Blue Lotus with MarijuanaBlue lotus helps with stressGet a good night's sleep with blue lotusDifferent methods of using Blue LotusSmoking blue lotus in a joint or pipeA Vaporizer to vaporize Blue LotusBlue Lotus with AlcoholBuy blue lotusBlue Lotus order online

What is Blue Lotus? Questions about this psychoactive flower answered

Blue lotus is a beautiful flower with psychoactive properties and interesting effects. Blue lotus is also called Egyptian water lily or Nymphaea caerulea. Sirius Smartshop has been selling the dried flower for years, but what exactly is the history of blue lotus? And what kind of effects can you expect from blue lotus? Will blue lotus really get you high?

History of blue lotus: a sacred flower

Have you experimented with the effects of blue lotus? The flower is an integral part of the Sirius smartshop assortment and can rightly be called a popular smartshop product. The popularity of blue lotus goes way back in history, all the way to Ancient Egypt.

blue lotus

What can you use Blue Lotus for and what are the effects?

Blue lotus is a popular smartshop product and a natural psychoactive drug with several uses. The effects of blue lotus are mildly psychoactive and mainly calming and relaxing.

Blue Lotus is an aphrodisiac

Did you know that blue lotus has aphrodisiac properties? So it's interesting to use blue lotus as a sexual enhancer during a romantic evening with a loved one.

The Ancient Egyptians also saw Blue Lotus as an aphrodisiac and way to enrich the love game with an extra sensual touch.

You can usher in the evening by smoking a joint together with blue lotus, vaping blue lotus with a vaporizer, or drinking a strong blue lotus tea.

Let your imagination run wild and experience the aphrodisiac properties of blue lotus!

Combining Blue Lotus with Damiana

Sirius sells several aphrodisiac herbs that are perfect to combine for a more intense sexual effect. Make your own love tea by combining different aphrodisiac herbs.

A popular and tasty combination is blue lotus and damiana. Like blue lotus, damiana also has sexually stimulating properties and is a favorite remedy for men and women to increase pleasure during sex.

Damiana has its origins in northern South America and Texas. Here it has been used by indigenous peoples as an aphrodisiac for centuries.

Combining Blue Lotus with Muira Puama

Another commonly used combination is blue lotus along with muira puama. These two aphrodisiac plants enhance each other in effect and both have libido enhancing properties.

You can simply make a tea of blue lotus along with muira puama.

What exactly is muira puama? Actually, muira puama is not an herb but part of a tree, namely the bark. The muira puama tree grows in South America and is known here as an aphrodisiac and natural sex enhancer. However, muira puama is also known as a natural medicine and is also used for massages and for soaking in the bath to produce a relaxing effect.

Love Chocolate Ecstasy with Blue Lotus and Muira Puama

Furthermore, Sirius sells love chocolates based on blue lotus and muira puama.  These delicious and seductive chocolates contain extracts of various herbs that are also sold separately in our smartshop.

A Love Chocolate is an interesting way to enjoy each other and to experience the aphrodisiac effect of these aphrodisiac plants.

love chocolates

Combining Blue Lotus with Marijuana

Another popular way to enjoy blue lotus is in combination with marijuana. For some users, the high of blue lotus comes close to a light weed strain, without the foggy stoned effect that cannabis can give.

Instead, blue lotus produces a light and clear high with calming properties that can be a perfect addition to a joint.

Try spinning your joint with some Blue Lotus and experience a high of a different level with a very aromatic and floral touch.

Blue lotus helps with stress

For many users, blue lotus is a natural anti-stress agent. The effects are described by users as calming and suitable for de-stressing in the evening. Online you will find a lot of anecdotal evidence that blue lotus is a natural sedative and is popular as an herb that helps you relax better.

Get a good night's sleep with blue lotus

In line with the anti-stress characteristic, blue lotus would also be suitable as a natural sleep aid. Again, information can be found online from users who use blue lotus for this purpose.

Different methods of using Blue Lotus

Blue lotus is a beautiful flower and almost too beautiful to use. Nevertheless, Sirius has been selling high quality blue lotus for years and is considered a popular smartshop product with interesting effects.

You can process and use dried blue lotus in a variety of ways. Below is a list of popular ways to enjoy blue lotus.

Smoking blue lotus in a joint or pipe

A common way to enjoy blue lotus is by using a pipe.

A pipe is a personal instrument that comes in all shapes and sizes. Although a pipe looks somewhat eccentric, some psychonauts swear by its use and prefer a nice-looking pipe over, say, a joint.

Do you choose a wooden pipe, a pipe made of stone or a metal pipe? Or still a glass pipe with a nice design? Sirius sells a wide range of pipes with different possibilities, all of which are suitable for smoking herbs, including cannabis and blue lotus.

Are you more into rolling a joint? No worries, even then we have everything you need to roll a beautiful blue lotus joint.

Extra tip: Want to quit or cut down on tobacco? Use blue lotus as a tobacco substitute and mix it with cannabis. This way you can also immediately experience the unique combination of blue lotus and cannabis.

A Vaporizer to vaporize Blue Lotus

If you want to go for the healthiest option that also brings about a true taste sensation you can opt for an herbal vaporizer, or a vape

A vaporizer should definitely not be missing in the arsenal of a real Smartshop explorer. All psychoactive herbs can be used with a vaporizer and provide an intense experience where most of the active substances present can be absorbed by the body.

This is in contrast to smoking herbs, where a significant portion literally goes up in smoke.

Vaping is not harmful to you and even has several health benefits, especially when you use herbs in a medicinal way, for example to fight pain or to better deal with anxiety.

Cool and popular vapes for sale in Sirius' Vaporizer Shop is the Pax. We sell several models, with additional features such as the ability to vaporize concentrates.

If you're looking for a vaporizer to vaporize other herbs besides cannabis, the Pax 2 is recommended.

pax vaporizer

Blue Lotus with Alcohol

One application that is also used with blue lotus is maceration. This involves soaking a quantity of the flower in alcohol for a certain period of time. Then you get an alcohol-infused drink with blue lotus.

Buy blue lotus

Are you curious about the effects of blue lotus? If you are in the area of our physical smartshops, please come by for personal advice and a look at our stores in Maastricht and Roermond.

We are happy to answer your questions about blue lotus and other smartshop products such as sedatives, aphrodisiacs and cannabis.

Blue Lotus order online

You can also choose to order blue lotus online. We ship blue lotus throughout Europe. Ordering at Sirius is easy and discrete. There is always an extra gift with your order and you save points on your personal Spacemiles card.


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