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All you need to know about tripping on magic truffles
In this blog item
In this blog item What are magic truffles?How do magic truffles work?History of magic trufflesHow long does a magic truffle trip last?Can you combine weed with magic truffles?What is the difference between magic mushrooms and truffles? Are magic truffles legal? What dose of magic truffles?What are the strongest magic truffles?Ordering magic truffles online

All you need to know about tripping on magic truffles

Tripping on magic truffles can be one of the best experiences of your life. Are you ready to trip on the best magic truffles available? If you are going to trip on magic mushrooms or magic truffles for the first time, it is good to know what to expect and learn about the possible effects of psilocybin. How exactly do magic truffles work? What does psilocybin do to you and what exactly is psilocybin?  

What are magic truffles?

In the Netherlands you can legally buy magic truffles in the smartshop. Magic truffles are a product of Mother Nature and contain natural hallucinogenic substances, including psilocybin. But what exactly are magic truffles? 

Magic truffles look like nodules and don't look anything like magic mushrooms. That's because magic mushrooms are above-ground fruiting bodies of the mycelial network that resides underground. 

Magic truffles, also called sclerotia, are underground energy reserves of the psilocybe mushroom and contain the same psychedelic substances, including psilocybin and psilocin. These substances are natural and safe. Magic truffles can provide a strong psychedelic trip. It is therefore important that you choose the right dose of magic truffles that suits you. Choosing the right dose of magic truffles depends among others on your experience, tolerance and set & setting, but more about that later!

freshbox space shuttles

How do magic truffles work?

Magic truffles have a psychedelic effect. The strength of the trip depends on a number of factors. The dosage plays a major role because this determines how many active ingredients you ingest. Magic truffles are very easy to dose because they are very stable in the amount of active ingredient per gram. A standard trip dose of magic truffles is 10 grams. Furthermore, the kind of magic truffle you choose also plays a role. 

Sirius sells different strains of sclerotia, each with their own effect and strength. For beginners it is easy to choose: always start with a less strong magic truffle, like for example Dolphin's Delight. This strain is very suitable for someone who is tripping on magic truffles for the first time. 

For a first time tripping, it is recommended to consume no more than 10 grams. Many beginners stick to 7.5 grams for their first psychedelic trip. This is an excellent dose of magic truffles to learn about the effects of magic truffles and get acquainted with the visual effects, trippy patterns and laughter kicks. 

Also interesting: 'Strong hallucinations and visuals on magic truffle trip? Read about the possible effects'

History of magic truffles

Magic mushrooms have been used by humans for thousands of years. Magic mushrooms are used for tripping in the West today. But the use of these psychedelic drugs was seen as religious medicine in Central and South America, among other places. Before Europeans invaded these places, there was a rich culture of magic mushroom worship. 

Did you know that magic truffles were first introduced to Westerners by a curandera (medicine woman) in Mexico in the 1950s? After the Westerners in question were allowed to participate in a spiritual magic mushroom ceremony, the popularity of psilocybin mushrooms spread rapidly throughout the West. 

Meanwhile, magic truffles and mushrooms, but also other psychedelics such as DMT and LSD are known and there are many curious psychonauts in the West who are looking for a psychedelic experience or spiritual high. 

Also interesting: 'The Magic Mushrooms of Doña María Sabina'

Tripping on magic truffles can cause a whole range of psychedelic effects. Think visual effects, also known as visuals. These visuals can occur in all kinds of trippy patterns, but also, for example, tracers. This is a psychedelic effect in which it seems as if a trace forms after a moving object. 

It is also possible that during your trip you experience less visual effects but rather an "internal" trip, where you can get all sorts of trippy thoughts and insights about your life. If you are looking more for visual effects it can help to darken the room and close your eyes. In the dark, trippy kaleidoscopic images behind your retina become more visible. 

How long does a magic truffle trip last?

Keep in mind that a trip can last long, on average 6.5 hours. Even after the trip it is possible that you still experience the afterglow of the trip and get philosophical insights. It can be nice to listen to music, take a walk or smoke a joint. Also, the moment after the trip is nice to talk with a friend about what you experienced. Or it can be nice to say nothing and let everything sink in. 

Can you combine weed with magic truffles?

Especially for beginners it is important to be sober before you start a trip with magic truffles. Cannabis has a psychedelic effect and enhances the effects of psilocybin. This can be overwhelming and is therefore not recommended. However, it is very nice to smoke a joint or vape during the afterglow of the trip. 

What is the difference between magic mushrooms and truffles? 

Besides the fact that both magic mushrooms and truffles are psychedelics and contain the same psychedelic substances, there are some clear differences. Not only do these natural products differ in the way they grow (above ground and below ground), there are also differences in how we can use them.

Mushrooms are no longer sold fresh and are not for sale in the smartshop. In the smartshop you can buy a mushroom grow kit and grow mushrooms yourself. This is an educational and fun process to do and you also get a good amount of magic mushrooms that you can dry and store. 

magicbox equadorian

Freshbox's magic truffles are ready-to-eat and fresh. Sirius magic truffles are not vacuum packed, allowing them to breathe. Because of this, our truffles are still 'alive' and you can experience this in the psychedelic experience. 

Another plus is that fresh magic truffles stay good for a very long time. It is important to keep magic truffles in the refrigerator. There is an expiration date on the back of a box of magic truffles. It is required by law to state this expiration date on the portions of truffles, but magic truffles stay good well past this date. 

It is normal when a white layer forms on the magic truffles, this is mycelium that continues to grow, since the magic truffles are fresh. 

If you want to keep magic truffles for a long time it is also possible to dry them. You do this by cutting the truffles into thin slices and letting them dry on unbleached kitchen paper in a warm, dry room. 

Do the magic truffles smell bad and look slimy? This is a sign that they are no longer good and you should throw them away. 

Are magic truffles legal? 

Magic truffles are legally available in the smartshop. Unfortunately, it has been illegal to sell magic mushrooms since 2008. Fortunately, it is possible to buy a magic mushroom grow kit and grow your own magic mushrooms. Furthermore, it is also possible to buy ready-made magic truffles for a psychedelic experience. Will you be tripping on magic truffles for the first time? Contact our customer service for questions about tripping on the truffles for the first time. Read our blog and check our encyclopedia for additional information. 

Magic truffles are not legal everywhere. It is therefore important that you check whether magic truffles are legal in the country where you want them. 

What dose of magic truffles?

In the magic truffle assortment of Sirius you will find the strongest magic truffles and also magic truffles that are suitable for beginners. Is this your first time using magic truffles? Then start with Freshbox Space Shuttles for example. These are ideal magic truffles for beginners. A standard dose of magic truffles is 10 grams, but you can also start with a lower dose of magic truffles, or even a micro dose of magic truffles. This way you can get to know the psychedelic effects of magic truffles. We sell magic truffles in convenient Freshbox boxes in portions of 10 grams, 15 grams and 20 grams. It is also possible to share a portion of magic truffles, or combine different kinds of magic truffles. 

magicbox dolphins delight

Are you curious about the effects of magic truffles and want to make a choice from our Freshbox magic truffle assortment? Sirius sells magic truffles for beginners and for advanced users. If you are tripping for the first time it is important not to test the strongest magic truffle, but to start with a magic truffle that is suitable for a first psychedelic experience. Think Space Shuttles or Dolphin's Delight. 

Sirius sells the strongest magic truffles available! These are suitable for people with experience and people who are looking for a deeply spiritual experience. Our assortment has expanded and now includes Special Editions of superior quality and with a strong psychedelic effect. Try the Freshbox Special Editions from Sirius smartshop now. 

What are the differences between magic truffles and magic mushrooms?

What are the differences between magic truffles and magic mushrooms? Magic truffles, like magic mushrooms, contain the active ingredients psilocin and psilocybin. Mushrooms are mushrooms and grow above ground. Magic truffles, also called sclerotia, are small underground tubers and are not mushrooms. 

Also read this blog: 'Growing mushrooms? Read this review and grow your own magic mushrooms with easy grow kit'

What are the strongest magic truffles?

If you have been tripping more often and have experience with psychedelics, it might be interesting to try a stronger magic truffle. Sirius sells magic truffles of various strengths. They are nicely arranged from strong to very strong. For beginners, choosing a strain of magic truffle is easy: start with one of our first four Freshbox magic truffles: Space Shuttles, Dolphin's Delight, Golden Teacher or Cosmic Connectors. 

Start with these magic truffles that are suitable for beginners. You can go straight for 10 grams, this is the standard dosage. Or go for something less, so you can get acquainted with the psychedelic world first. 

If you are in doubt about the right magic truffle or you have questions about dosage, please contact our customer service. 

Ordering magic truffles online

Sirius wants to guide its customers as well as possible in the preparation for a magic truffle trip. As a smartshop we have the honor but also the responsibility to offer our customers the best possible experience with magic truffles. Our magic truffles are of the best quality and are sold in convenient trays of different portions. 

Choosing from our different magic truffles can be overwhelming. For personal advice, please contact our customer service or visit one of our physical smartshops in Maastricht, Venlo and Roermond.


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