Barneys Farm Wedding Cake Auto – Cannabis Seed Review
With this cannabis seed review about Wedding Cake Auto, I want to try out something new and combine two things: I want to review a cannabis strain that I have grown myself! I have written multiple blogs about growing cannabis, and also about different cannabis seed strains.This blog will be about Wedding Cake Auto from Barney's Farm. Keep reading if you want to find out all about how to grow this strain and what to expect from it in terms of quality, effects and taste profile.
Barney's Farm Cannabis Seeds Review
Barneys Farm is an old-school seedbank based in Amsterdam. The man who started it all, Derry, was experimenting with different marijuana cross breeds in the 1980s before returning to Amsterdam in 1992, where he sold a lot of his new creations in Barney’s Coffeeshop.
Because of the excellent range of high-quality cannabis strains, the brand quickly became popular and has remained one of the top cannabis seed brands when it comes to weed ever since. The Sirius online Seedshop is proud to offer a lot of different Barney’s Farm Cannabis Seeds.
I have previously written a blog about Barney's Farm and some of its newest cannabis seeds, you can check it out here:
Read "New Barney’s Farm Cannabis Seeds - Review"
If you want to browse through the whole assortment of cannabis seeds at Sirius, which includes high quality seeds from the best brands such as Royal Queen Seeds, Super Sativa Seed Club or Sensi Seeds, then click here: Online Seedshop.
Barneys' Farm Wedding Cake Auto Review
Wedding Cake is a indica dominant strain that is known for being covered in frosty trichomes, looking like the topping of a delicious sugary cake. Its genetic heritage is a cross between the strains Girl Scout Cookies and Cherry Pie. Girl Scout Cookies is a potent hybrid strain that originated in California and is known for its euphoric and creative effects, while Cherry Pie is a popular indica-dominant strain that has a sweet and earthy flavor profile.
The combination of these two strains gives Wedding Cake its unique flavor and balanced effects. Its high THC content and delicious taste make it a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts.
With Wedding Cake Auto, Barney's Farm has created an autoflowering variant of Wedding Cake that can be grown easily without any light adjustment. This means that you can grow it at any season, as long as the climate (temperature + humidity) is right.
Autoflowering strains are also great for growers who want to expose their plants to as much light as possible during the growing and flowering phase. Independent of long long the light is on, Barney's Farm Wedding Cake Auto is guaranteed to flower as soon as it has reached the necessary size.
There are many other cannabis strains available in the Sirius Seedshop that are related to Wedding Cake, for example Watermelon Wedding Cake from Growers Choice, Wedding Gelato by Royal Queen Seeds, or Wedding Crasher, also from Royal Queen Seeds.
But enough basic information, lets get to the interesting part: My personal Cannabis Seed Review about Barney's Farm's Wedding Cake Auto.
Growing Barney's Farm Wedding Cake Auto
While it is not the first time that I am growing my own biological cannabis inside a growbox, I am still a beginner grower. That is the reason why I mostly choose autoflowering cannabis seeds, because they do not require special monitoring in terms of grow lighting. Generally, autoflowers are a good choice for cannabis enthusiasts who are new to the growing procedure and lack experience in this domain.
I always have the same procedure when starting to grow cannabis: I get normal, non-fertilized soil and apply the Biotabs Starterkit formula to it. The Biotabs starter kit is a package that includes everything you need to start growing – organic fertilizers, beneficial bacteria and fungi, and a planting guide. This and other organic fertilizers for cannabis can be found in our online growshop.
I use Spongepots to germinate my seedlings, and after 2-3 days, I transplant them into 15l pots filled with the previously fertilized soil. I had 4 seedlings of Wedding Cake Auto, so one below the tolerated limit of the Netherlands. Now that the plants are germinated, re-potted, and placed in my growing tent under a 100W LED growing light, all I have to do is water them and wait! Lets now fast forward to roughly 3 months later...
Curing Cannabis - Wedding Cake Auto
After letting my plants grow and flower starting in the middle of August, they were ready to be harvested in November. The buds were covered in trichomes, and the leaves slowly started to lose their dark green color. After harvesting and wet-trimming, I let the branches dry for another 2 weeks inside my grow tent.
After that, they are technically ready to be smoked. Of course, I treated myself with one first joint to get a feeling about this strain, but there is still one more step that is necessary before my homegrown weed is 100% ready: fermenting, also known as curing.
To do so, I put my harvested cannabis inside air-sealed glasses, which I open 1-2 times per day to let some air inside. Weed is like a good wine, the more it ages, the better it gets! Luckily cannabis doesn’t need as much time as alcohol to age well - I would say 2-3 months are enough to already see a huge improvement in the quality of your weed. Here you can see how my own weed looked like after roughly 4 months of curing:
In the following and last section, I want to go a bit deeper into reviewing the different characteristics of the weed you just saw. However, I want to underline the fact that all cannabis plants can be different from another, even if they are from the same strain. Depending on the phenotype(s) of your weed and the growing conditions, it is not unlikely that if you grow BF Wedding Cake Auto by yourself it looks and tastes a little different.
Strain review: Barney's Farm Wedding Cake Auto
Before harvest, I used the flashlight of my phone and a microscope to see how buds are evolving. Shortly after harvest my weed had a dark green look, and during fermentation it became a bit lighter in color and some remaining pistilles turned orange and cover most of the buds by now
I personally like it when my weed is covered with some orange pistilles, so overall the looks would get a 4/5 from me.
Aroma and Taste
As you would expect from an indica-dominant plant with this heritage (mix of mint and kush strains), wedding cake auto has a rather 'earthy' aroma and taste when smelled and smoked. When you are a big fan of strains like OG Kush or Cheese Weed, then you are going to love this one. I have to say that I prefer the aroma and taste of strains like skunk or lemon haze a bit more, but thats just a personal thing. Therefore I give Wedding Cake Auto's taste and smell a score of 3/5.
Effects of Wedding Cake Auto
The strongest point of this strain for me is clearly the high you get from it. While I don't think that my plants have developed a THC quantity of 25% with my small set up, my own weed is still very strong. Just half a joint is enough for me to completely relax.
What I like about my own Wedding Cake Auto is that it has a nice effect on the mind but doesn’t make me stupid, and it physically relaxes my total body but doesn’t make me completely unfunctional.
So considering that I am still a beginner grower and don’t have the most professional setup, Wedding Cake Auto' effects get a 5/5 from me. I generally have the feeling that organic home grown weed has the best effects, as it is rarely too strong for me to have any negative side effects from it, unlike some of the stuff you get from dealers or coffeeshops.
Overall, I have to say that my experience with Wedding Cake Auto was very good - no problems during growing, and a large yield of delicious buds with an amazing effects - and all of that in less than 4 months! A total score of 4/5 is definitely well deserved.
This was the third time that I have been growing autoflowering cannabis seeds indoor.
The next time, I will try to grow some non-autoflowering feminized seeds for the first time. Of course I will make sure to document as much as I can and then write a blog about it. Make sure to regularly check our blogs page for new additions.
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