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Different ways to use Cannabis
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In this blog item Thomas (age 53): "For me, the Volcano Hybrid is indispensable when using cannabis medicinally."Els (48): "I use THC oil to sleep better"Jan (25): "For me, occasionally smoking a pure joint is pure bliss that I enjoy to expand my mind"Robin (29): "Actitube Activated Carbon Filters are my new thing and I use them before rolling a joint."Iris (60): "My Pax 3 goes everywhere with me and is super discreet to use".Yaëlle (31): "For me, weed became an addiction, so I don't use anything at the moment."Miranda (20): "I prefer to use my percolator honeycomb bong for using weed. This is what I like best."What is your favorite way to use cannabis?

Different ways to use Cannabis

Every stoner has their own preference. Did you know there are many ways you can enjoy cannabis? Maybe you swear by microdosing cannabis in the morning with your favorite penvaporizer, or you only smoke joints in the evening, before bed. In this blog, I dive into the habits of 7 different stoners and we get to see what tools you can use to use cannabis in different ways.

Thomas (age 53): "For me, the Volcano Hybrid is indispensable when using cannabis medicinally."

The Volcano vaporizer from Storz & Bickel is a great table-top model that allows you to easily use larger amounts of cannabis at home using balloons and with a special hose.

volcano hybrid

Once you know how to work with the Volcano Hybrid and use cannabis as medicine, you'll fall in love for sure. There are few ways to use cannabis so efficiently, easily and successfully to relieve pain and sleep better.

The Volcano Hybrid is the latest version of Storz & Bickel's Volcano vaporizer. The device works with a very powerful battery and allows you to vaporize cannabis economically.

What makes the Volcano Hybrid special compared to the older models are some interesting features.

With the Volcano Hybrid it is possible to use an LED display to determine exactly how you prefer to vaporize cannabis. Temperature, battery and settings can all be determined via a few clicks on the display. 

Moreover, you have the option to remotely control your Volcano via Bluetooth using an app on your smartphone. This way, using a vaporizer becomes even more advanced.

Els (48): "I use THC oil to sleep better"

For some users, weed has less of a recreational significance, but rather has an important medicinal function. Also called medical marihuana, THC-rich cannabis often provides relief from pain, insomnia and cancer.

The word "medical cannabis" originated in the 1990s and has since taken off. Meanwhile, there are special medicinal cannabis seeds among seed suppliers that you can grow yourself to have your own medicinal cannabis.

It is also possible to get medicinal cannabis oil. This is THC-rich oil specially developed for medicinal use and with attention to health.

Did you know that it is also possible to make your own THC oil? At Sirius you can purchase a complete professional kit that allows you to make your own THC oil.

thc extractor

Tip: Take a look at our Growshop, Seedshop and Headshop for all your supplies to start growing cannabis yourself on a small scale. From grow lights, grow tents to cannabis seeds; everything can be found at Sirius Smartshop.

Jan (25): "For me, occasionally smoking a pure joint is pure bliss that I enjoy to expand my mind"

For some users, the power of cannabis lies primarily in its special, mind-expanding effects. Smoking a joint can be a way to relax your body and mind and connect with yourself. Weed is so much more than just being under the influence of a drug.

A pure joint - also called a spliff- has several advantages over a regular joint:

First, you don't use tobacco. And as we all know: nicotine is a highly addictive substance (just as addictive as heroin), which is hard to get rid of. So a pure joint is many times wiser if you also think about your own health.

Another big advantage of a pure joint is the fact that you still have the action of rolling a joint. This is an important aspect for many stoners: the ritual of rolling a joint falls away when buying a vaporizer and this is one reason why a pure joint still occupies an important place for many.

Of course, it doesn't have to be either-or, it can be both: invest in a decent vaporizer for regular use and definitely still roll pure joints on occasion. Think for example at a festival or at a fixed moment in the week, for example Sunday evening.

Take a look in our Headshop for all your supplies for rolling the perfect spliff. From long papers, medium papers, tips and lighters: dive into our Headshop and order everything you need to roll the perfect joint anytime.

Robin (29): "Actitube Activated Carbon Filters are my new thing and I use them before rolling a joint."

Another way to minimize the harmful effects of smoking is to use activated carbon filters, or Actitubes. These filters provide a pleasant, gentle smoking experience and have a protective effect of the most harmful toxins released during combustion.

There is a choice of the 7mm diameter Actitube Slim and the 6mm diameter Actitube Extra Slim.

active charcoal filter

Iris (60): "My Pax 3 goes everywhere with me and is super discreet to use".

The benefits of the Pax 3 are endless and we regularly sell her to satisfied customers. The following is an overview of the benefits of vaporizing cannabis with a vaporizer, especially the Pax 3:

  • Vaporizing cannabis is many times healthier for you. Gone are the burnt lungs, sore throat and foul breath. A vaporizer is an incredibly clean device, where you only inhale the vapors released by evaporation of the essential oils in plants and herbs, including cannabis. 
  • Little to no combustion takes place: a very different story from lighting up a cigarette or joint, where you set a significant portion of your herb straight on fire.
  • Using weed indoors is no problem at all when using a vaporizer. The vapor does not get into carpets and seats as is the case with the smoke from a joint or cigarette. 
  • The Pax 3 is widely usable: both dried flowers, hash and concentrates can be used. 

Yaëlle (31): "For me, weed became an addiction, so I don't use anything at the moment."

Although for many, weed works as a special medicine and is used to improve quality of life, too much is obviously not good. For a portion of people who use marijuana regularly, addiction soon creeps in. Using on a daily basis, not being able to have fun without it and most of all: being bothered by your way of using.

These are all signs that things need to change. First, it is important to articulate what is bothering you. Next, it is good to talk openly about this with someone you trust. Professional help can be sought.

It is important to realize that smoking joints has an additional addictive character, namely the addition of tobacco. As described above, it is wiser to smoke pure joints, vape or use a tobacco substitute. That way you minimize the chances of becoming addicted to weed even more.

As a final tip, I would add that the chances of addiction become greatest with very strong coffeeshop weed. Switching to homegrown, organic (outdoor) weed can already make a very big difference.

Of course, you can become addicted to many things, and it is important to take regular breaks so that you learn to deal with withdrawal symptoms (if any) and also enjoy life without needing anything extra. 

Miranda (20): "I prefer to use my percolator honeycomb bong for using weed. This is what I like best."

For many stoners, an old-fashioned bong is still one of the favorite ways to enjoy cannabis. It may intimidate you as a newbie as you browse through the wide selection of bongs in Sirius' online shop.

Don't worry! Finding the perfect bong is easier than you think, and I'll go into more detail on this in a future blog. For additional help and questions on choosing the best bong for using cannabis, I recommend contacting our customer service or stopping by one of our physical stores.

That way, you'll get personalized advice and are guaranteed to walk out satisfied.

What is your favorite way to use cannabis?

Do you have any suggestions, questions or comments? We are always open to tips and ideas for adding interesting products to our assortment in order to enjoy cannabis even more. So feel free to send an email to [email protected].


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