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Want to learn how to use kratom? Here are 6 recipes for inspiration
In this blog item
In this blog item Traditional use of kratomHow does kratom work?6 different methods of using kratom:1. Kratom tea2. Kratom tea with turmeric3. Kratom chocolate milk4. Kratom + shot of pickle juice5. Banana Ice Cream with kratom6. Kratom extract

Want to learn how to use kratom? Here are 6 recipes for inspiration

Do you already know about kratom? Most Sirius customers who hear about this powerful product for the first time have no idea something like this exists that is legal, strong, fun and versatile. The interesting thing about kratom is in finding the right dosage. In this blog, I explain 6 different ways you can use this psychoactive plant. 

In certain parts of the world, the use of kratom is common knowledge and is as normal as coffee or a joint with us. Originally, the use of kratom comes from Southeast Asia. Especially in Thailand you have a lot of kratom users. But what exactly is kratom?

Kratom, or Mitragyna speciosa, is a tropical deciduous tree and grows in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia, among other places. They usually grow between 3 and 9 meters tall, although there are specimens of up to 30 meters. From the kratom tree the leaves are used, which contain the active ingredients that cause the psychoactive effect.

kratom powder

Traditional use of kratom

Since time immemorial the leaves of this tree have been used as a medicine and as a stimulant. In the south of Thailand people pick the leaves and chew on them. Hence the name 'kratom chewers'. 

The chewing of kratom is done to improve the mood, to facilitate hard work in the fields and to treat certain health problems. 

The use of kratom is so ingrained that it is considered a true tradition and is seen as medicine by different walks of life. 

In Thailand itself, the country of origin, the use of kratom was declared illegal for several years by the government. The reasons for this remain unclear, but fortunately since 2020 this has come to an end and the traditional use of kratom as a medicine is allowed again. 

Powder, leaves and extract

At Sirius you can find different kratom products. We sell dried Kratom leaves. There are also different kinds of kratom powders for sale. Powder is simply the dried and finely ground kratom leaves. These are easy to use and easy to dose. 

green maeng da kratom red maeng da kratom

How does kratom work?

Traditionally, kratom is used for a variety of purposes. 

The interesting thing about kratom is that it has a versatile effect. This has mainly to do with the dosage, but of course also with the strength of the kratom. Using kratom leaves gives a different effect than taking a highly concentrated extract, for sale at Sirius. 

Red vein kratom extract

Kratom has a similar effect as morphine and can therefore be considered an opioid substance. Just like morphine, kratom has an analgesic effect and gives a warm and relaxed feeling. How exactly the plant does its work is a complex issue. More than 40 different compounds have been isolated. The values of these active substances are much higher in trees grown in Southeast Asia than when they are grown in greenhouses elsewhere in the world. 

Furthermore, the specific effect depends on the dosage. A low dose of kratom mainly produces a euphoric and energizing effect. Low doses are ideal for social occasions, or even when you have to make a physical effort, such as working in the vegetable garden. 

Higher doses of kratom give a narcotic and analgesic effect. This can be used recreationally, for example at home when you want to relax or sink deep into a blissful intoxication. There are also many users who actually use kratom as medication. For example, there are people who suffer from chronic pain, or former addicts of synthetic opiates who have switched to kratom. Of course, Sirius always recommends consulting with a doctor before quitting certain medications! 

6 different methods of using kratom:

1. Kratom tea

A popular way to use kratom is to make tea. Tea tends to give a quick effect, because it is well absorbed by the body. It also tends to be more energizing, although this depends on the dose.

First of all, the taste of kratom is not great. People with sensitive taste buds will have to do their best to get rid of the bitter, grassy flavor. An old-fashioned trick is to hold the nose shut so you don't smell or taste anything. Another tip is to add a flavor to the tea, such as honey or herbs. 

Making Kratom tea: step-by-step plan


  • Kratom powder
  • Water
  • 1 lemon
  • Pot with spout
  • Coffee filter


  1. Pour 400 ml water and the juice of the lemon into the pan and put it on the fire. Lemon helps to make the active ingredients present in kratom more absorbable. When the water starts to bubble, add the kratom. 
  2. Let it simmer for fifteen minutes. Then turn off the heat and pour the liquid into a cup using the coffee filter. 
  3. The end result is a green-colored tea, clear and free of residual powder. 

How much kratom do I use for tea?

  • Mild effect: 1-2 grams of kratom
  • Medium effect: 4-5 grams of kratom 
  • Very strong effect: 6-9 grams 

2. Kratom tea with turmeric

To vary your kratom tea you can experiment with different flavors and ingredients like turmeric. At Sirius you can find several products that contain turmeric. The brand Taka Turmeric manufactures delicious tea blends that are healthy for your body and stimulate the taste buds. 

masala turmeric chai tea from Taka Turmeric

The brand uses organic turmeric and makes tea bags that are completely biodegradable.

For example, try Masala Chai, a spicy blend with Indian spices. Use the original kratom tea recipe and include a sachet of Taka Turmeric tea at the end. 

3. Kratom chocolate milk

Another method, to further mask the taste of kratom, is to make a chocolate milk with added kratom powder. One disadvantage to kratom powder is that it does not bind well with water. In contrast, it binds to fat a little better, so many kratom users swear by chocolate milk. It is also recommended because of the taste, although you could also argue that you ruin the delicious chocolate taste with kratom.

Simply put the desired amount of kratom into a bottle of chocolate milk from the supermarket. Shake vigorously and enjoy!

4. Kratom + shot of pickle juice

Okay, this one is for the daredevils among us: a bite of powder followed by a shot of sour pickle juice. This trick is originally used with whiskey and is called "pickleback" in English. A shot of burning whiskey is neutralized by the shot of pickle juice and allows the user to drink more whiskey... It also works well with kratom and quickly balances out the foul taste. 

Now, taking a bite of kratom powder is no fun and you have to be very careful not to choke by inhaling. Another way is to first mix the powder with a small amount of water until it becomes a paste. Spoon this into your mouth as quickly as possible, swallow it whole and wash it down with pickle juice!

5. Banana Ice Cream with kratom

This vegan and healthy treat will surprise many: delicious creamy ice cream made from bananas, without milk or sugar! First, put ripe bananas without peel in the freezer. When they are semi-frozen, take them out and put them in a strong blender. Blend it all together (if necessary you can add a little (coconut) milk if it won't blend) until you have an ice cream texture. 

To make it a kratom variant, before blending add the desired amount of powder and if desired extra sugar to make it even sweeter, which is actually not necessary because ripe bananas are already very sweet!

6. Kratom extract

An extract of kratom is a highly concentrated powder that only requires a small amount to achieve the desired effect. This way you don't have to mix spoonfuls of powder, but you can drastically reduce the amount.

At Sirius you can buy two different kinds of extract.

  • Red Vein 25x kratom: This extract uses red kratom. This strain is generally more likely to give a relaxing effect and is even more analgesic. 25 grams of kratom is reduced to 1 gram. Red Vein kratom is ideal for when you want to relax and improve your mood. With 0.5 grams you already have an effect, always start with a little bit and wait at least half an hour before increasing the dose. 
  • Green Vein 25x kratom: Besides red kratom there is also an extract of green kratom available. As the name suggests, it involves the green veins of the leaves. Green kratom is considered more energizing and uplifting. Suitable for activities that require energy from you. 

Want to know more about kratom? Dive into the Encyclopedia of Sirius

You could write a whole book about kratom. From history to use and risks. There's a lot to learn about it, so don't hesitate to dive into Sirius' encyclopedia, or read more blogs about kratom!


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