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26-08-2024 9 minutes Blog vaporizers The PAX 2 story: How it redefined portable vaporizer standards The PAX 2, the vape sensation that rocked the scene in 2015, caused quite the stir. The PAX 2 vape was the slick upgrade of the PAX vaporizer by PAX L [..] 30-06-2023 5 minutes Blog vaporizers Vaporizers may no longer be sold online within the Netherlands from 1 July 2023 Please note: that the links below refer to the publications on the website of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Authority and unfortunately only pub [..] 18-09-2022 9 minutes Blog vaporizers Smartest Vaporizer for Weed: DynaVap VapCap 'M' 2021 review For quite some time now I have been having fun with my last purchased vaporizer. It has been to many festivals, concerts and other outings. I would li [..] 06-10-2021 8 minutes Blog vaporizers What is the best vaporizer for hash? Do you want to use hashish in an effective, healthy and cheap way? In a coffeeshop hash is often even more expensive than weed buds. Of course you wan [..] 01-10-2021 8 minutes Blog vaporizers Why every stoner should have a vaporizer It's good to stay positive, even if you smoke. Negative self-talk won't help you get rid of your addiction. Doomsaying means sinking even deep [..] 29-06-2021 7 minutes Blog vaporizers Pax 3 Vaporizer review I have had it for some time now and I am very satisfied with the Pax 3 portable vaporizer from Pax Labs. It is small and fits easily in your pocket. F [..] 31-05-2021 5 minutes Blog vaporizers Happy World No Tobacco Day 2021! Read all about tobacco substitutes and healthy alternatives To create awareness, May 31 will be declared World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) worldwide. For the year 2021, the motto chosen is 'Commit to Quit'. [..] 12-03-2021 8 minutes Blog vaporizers The Volcano Hybrid Vaporizer: all you need to know Vaporizers are all the rage these days. There is now a wide range of devices which allow you to consume cannabis in a safe and effective way while enj [..] 19-02-2020 6 minutes Blog vaporizers Smoking: My nicotine addiction Smoking tobacco is increasingly discouraged. Where you used to see just about every respectable figure with a cigarette, pipe or cigar between his lip [..] 01-04-2019 2 minutes Blog vaporizers Vaporizer Temperature Cannabinoids Determining the right temperature is an art and can, when you have mastered it, optimize your vapour experience. Did you know that lighting a joint re [..]
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