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Vaporizer Temperature Cannabinoids
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In this blog item Temperature determines effectDanger of burningWhich effect do you choose?

Vaporizer Temperature Cannabinoids

Determining the right temperature is an art and can, when you have mastered it, optimize your vapour experience. Did you know that lighting a joint releases only 10% cannabinoids and 90% toxics (PAHs)?

The scientific studies do not lie: burning cannabis and then inhaling it (often in combination with tobacco), is not healthy and also very expensive, because you burn a large part of your precious herb immediately. A vaporizer, on the other hand, can contain up to 95% cannabinoids and has little or no combustion products.

PAX 3 vaporizerVaporizer Vaporizer Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids are powerful substances in the cannabis plant, which all have their unique effect and boiling temperature. By not burning the substances but heating them until they start cooking and can be inhaled in the form of vapour, you get the most out of your cannabis.

Temperature determines effect

The temperature range between which all cannabinoids evaporate is between 157-220 degrees Celsius. The temperature at which most psychoactive compounds are released is 185 degrees Celsius. As mentioned before, the different cannabinoids have their own boiling temperature and effect. Your temperature settings determine the effect of your experience. The two main effects will be called 'buzz high' and 'physical high'. At low temperatures (below 190 degrees Celsius) there will be a more mental effect, while higher temperatures will give more physical charge. 

Danger of burning

Attention: Although some of the following cannabinoids require temperatures above 200°C to vaporize, your vaporizer at this temperature may run the risk of burning, and this should be avoided.
Depending on the drought, weed may start to burn at 200 degrees Celsius. It can burn around 230 degrees Celcius.

Which effect do you choose?

THC: 157 degrees Celsius

The most famous cannabinoid. Works both euphoric and analgesic and creates an enormous relaxing feeling.

CBDL: 160-180 degrees Celsius

Medical users are looking for this cannabinoid. This substance fights feelings of anxiety and paranoia and partly counteracts the effects of THC.

Delta-8-THC: 175-178 degrees Celsius

This cannabinoid is very similar to THC but is more stable and less psychoactive.
A special feature is that the effects work very well against nausea and vomiting.

CBN: 185 degrees Celsius

Found in small quantities, but nevertheless has a strong effect of anesthesia and breaks down THC.

CBC: 220 degrees Celsius

The properties of this cannabinoid are anti-inflammatory and antifungal.

THCV: 220 degrees Celsius

THCV has been shown to moderate the psychoactive effects of THC, but more research is needed.


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