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User Report: Bionix Cocoa Power
In this blog item
In this blog item Get out of your comfort zone!Bionix Cacao Power: a day full of energyBeautiful natural landscapeMDMA feelingCocoa, Citrus aurantium and caffeinePower to the peopleWarning

User Report: Bionix Cocoa Power

For this trip report, I share my experience with a natural smartdrug based on a pure cocoa extract, supplemented with plant extracts of bitter orange, amino acids and caffeine. 

Get out of your comfort zone!

Since I have been traveling, I feel that it is much easier for me to get out of my comfort zone. For me, this is the area where I feel comfortable and most importantly, safe. In this zone, I don't have to interact too much with people I don't know, I don't do dangerous things like mountain climbing or snowboarding, and I learn few new things in which I can "fail" like preparing an exciting dish for of a group of people. 

These days, I’m not so scared of things I used to be when I was at home. It is so interesting to find out that when you dare to do something a few times, it suddenly loses its dangerous nature. And can even be super fun! 

I have always enjoyed cooking. It is a bit like magic to me. Sometimes an experiment fails, but as long as I'm the only critic, I don't mind so much. Since traveling, I have been living in places with other people. Currently I find myself in a small community and several times a week I cook for a modest group. Okay, I still find it exciting and wait anxiously after the first bite for a reaction to my cooking. However, I do notice that the doomsday scenarios I create for myself essentially never come true. People empty their plates without a second glance, maybe scoop up a second time and thank me for the meal. Occasionally I even get a compliment. 

The only time so far that the result of the pancakes I had made was quite dry, perhaps a little harder swallowing and a thicker layer of jam was applied. And someone gave me a tip for next time, being a pancake specialist. 

Bionix Cacao Power: a day full of energy

When I decided to take three Bionix Cacao Power capsules, it was still early in the morning. I took the capsules an hour after a light breakfast. I skipped my usual cup of green tea; the capsules would give me enough energy! 

It was a foggy morning that didn't really invite me to go outside. Nevertheless, I put on my stout walking shoes and decided to take a trip through the surrounding nature. 

Beautiful natural landscape

It is very beautiful here. Enjoying the peace and quiet around me, I walked on. If you are quiet you only hear natural sounds such as birds, crackling branches and your own heartbeat. There is no highway, city or factory in this area. Once in a while you hear a tractor or a single car, but that's it. Even planes hardly seem to fly over here. 

MDMA feeling

After about half an hour I started to get warm and had pleasant tingling sensations all over my body. Another fifteen minutes later and I felt very energetic and happy. The feeling is similar to the emergent effect of MDMA. I felt like going for a run and sprinted down the forest path. I felt like a deer, or no, a lion! Jumping over tree stumps I had all the fun in the world with myself. Panting, I stopped, my heart pounding in my throat, and I took a few sips of water from my water bottle. 

Cocoa, Citrus aurantium and caffeine

Bionix Cocoa Power provides uplifting energy thanks to caffeine and theobromine, a substance found in chocolate. Theobromine is a natural stimulant and provides long-term energy and causes blood vessels to dilate and more blood to be pumped through the heart. In terms of chemical structure, it is very similar to caffeine, but gives a more relaxed energy and provides less of the "clash" you can get from too many cups of coffee. Theobromine helps in getting a good focus and good concentration. This is due in part to the dilation of blood vessels, which allows for better blood flow, including to the brain.

Theobromine is found in dark chocolate, cocoa powder and of course in the cocoa extract present in Bionix Cacao Power!

Furthermore theobromine is also found in Yerba Mate, a healthy and alternative energy drink to coffee!

Citrus aurantium, also called bitter orange, is a citrus fruit with several uses. For example, its strong aroma is widely used for essential oils and incorporated into liqueurs and marmalades. The peel of this fruit contains active substances, including synephrine. This stimulant is also added to diet products because it can help increase fat burning. In structure, it resembles ephedrine, a substance now banned in the Netherlands because it caused complications in certain cases, including hypertension and even heart problems. No such complications have been found for synephrine, but it is important to stick to the recommended dosage.

Power to the people

My walk continued downhill and in the distance I heard the rushing of water. The sun had now broken through the cloud cover and the rays on my face were pleasant and warming. I was sweating and feeling in high spirits.

Down below I came to the river, where a beautiful waterfall plunged down. Without hesitation, I undressed completely and quickly dipped my feet into the water. It was cold! Showering cold every day is nice, but bathing under a waterfall in nature is even more magical. I dared to go headfirst and the euphoria got the better of me, along with the cold, so quickly I hopped out of the water and dove into my towel. Luckily I had it with me!

I quickly climbed up and it wasn't long before I was warm again. This was a feast for body and mind! I felt completely in my power, with a great flow of positive thoughts.

Once I got home, the peak of the experience was over and gave way to a contented, rested feeling and increased alertness. 

I decided to cook lunch for everyone. I noticed how calm and confident I was in the kitchen. The stress I normally experience seemed to be completely absent. 

The result was to everyone's liking, certainly to my own! The exertion of this morning and the bathing in cold water had demanded some energy, so I could use a hearty meal. 


Bionix Cacao Power is a caffeine-based energy supplement. It may cause blood pressure to increase and is not suitable for people with cardiovascular disease or blood pressure problems. Consult a physician if in doubt.


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