Tips for the best cannabis plants in 2021
We are in the year 2021! A year in which people will hopefully continue to be committed to our planet earth. While I believe that the governments, presidents and powerful corporations of the world should lead by example, you as an individual can certainly play a role. And you have that responsibility!
As a cannabis enthusiast, I am grateful for all that nature does for us. What can we do back for nature?
Cannabis cultivation and climate change
The cannabis industry is thriving like never before. It's great to see this beneficial plant becoming more widely accepted. Several states in the US are seeing the political debate around cannabis change. It has become a market where a lot of money can be made. Cannabis is being taken seriously and of course I applaud that!
However, if we look at the climate change part, there is still a lot of progress to be made. The young cannabis industry is increasingly losing its image of being 'green' and sustainable. You would think that people who work with weed would have respect for nature and make it their top priority.
Yet the focus of the cannabis business is mainly on making a lot of money as quickly as possible, at any cost. Also, the laws and regulations make it difficult to be sustainable. Cannabis companies cannot qualify for the organic certificate (which guarantees that their product is organic) and receive no subsidies for solar panels, for example.
First and foremost for the earth, but also for the cannabis industry itself, it is important to focus as much as possible on sustainability. Growing cannabis should be done in harmony with nature. This young industry could set a wonderful example with new technologies that make it possible to grow crops sustainably and organically.
The large-scale indoor cultivation of cannabis in America consumes enormous amounts of energy. Nowadays more and more thought is being given to 'green solutions', for example using solar energy.
Climate change has a major impact on crop cultivation. More and more farmers see their yields shrinking and are forced to use artificial interventions and unnatural methods to save their crops. This costs more energy and is usually very polluting.
Natural disasters in 2020
Last year was a very challenging year for farmers. In the US, several natural disasters caused crop failures. For example, there were fierce winds and catastrophic hailstorms that hit several crops, including those of outdoor cannabis companies. Forest fires also caused extensive damage worldwide in the past year. Among others in the US, South America and Australia.
Indoor cannabis growing: HPS or LED?
Many large-scale cannabis businesses use artificial light to increase their yields as much as possible. Many growers swear by HPS, because of the enormous power with which the light spectrum can be used. However, this consumes much more energy than LED, the more sustainable way to grow cannabis. In the end you waste less energy, which means you get your money's worth. LED is a somewhat larger investment.
Also interesting: 'Find the right grow tent, lamps and pots'.
Legal coffeeshop cannabis cultivation in 2021
In the Netherlands we have been talking about the ‘tolerance policy’ since the 1970s, when it comes to the legality of weed from coffee shops. It is legal (it is 'tolerated') in the Netherlands for an official coffee shop to sell up to 5 grams of weed per customer per day. This is one of the reasons why the Netherlands is very popular among foreign tourists: a country where you can get a joint without any problem! However, growing weed on a large scale is prohibited in the Netherlands. So where do coffeeshops get those huge amounts of weed from?
Every year, the police shut down several illegal cannabis plantations. This year the government is going to start an experiment to grow marijuana legally. In 10 municipalities, official cannabis plantations will be held for 4 years, to see if this can curb the criminal circuit.
When you buy weed from the coffeeshop, you have no idea where it actually comes from. You only know that it was grown illegally. And that there is a good chance that more attention was paid to making big money fast, than to sustainability, health and respect for nature.
That's why I'm calling on all cannabis enthusiasts to start growing your own organic cannabis plant(s) this year! In the Netherlands you are legally allowed to have 5 marijuana plants per household.
Take action!
Last week there were several parts of the Netherlands and Belgium where a climate march took place. Children and parents, young and old, hit the streets together to make noise with pots and pans for one minute to draw attention to climate change. One minute is not much, but it is something!
It's encouraging to see that people are finally starting to wake up. And that they are starting to question the way we treat nature and ourselves. It can't go on like this and we can't deny it anymore.
Last year, the infamous year 2020, was dominated by the coronavirus. It was a difficult period for many people, perhaps a relief for others. Everything seemed to stand still. Also, 2020 was the warmest year in Europe ever recorded. The year is known as the year when extremely warm temperatures were recorded in the Arctic.
Governments put forward plans to turn the tide. The big polluters, Europe, America and China, want to conspire to better manage the ups and downs of the planet.
Grow your own organic outdoor weed
As I wrote earlier, you as an individual can make a statement by using your lifestyle as much as possible for a healthy earth. Look at the different aspects of your life. Some people, like myself, are taught from an early age that we must be careful and respectful of this planet. As a parent, by getting your children to understand that there is more to life than lots of money, power and convenience, you can pave the way for change.
For other people, climate change is still a far cry from the rest of us. I would recommend them to read some scientific articles about the natural phenomena (disasters) that occur in recent years. Or take a walk in the woods and listen very carefully to what the trees are telling you.
This blog is mainly aimed at cannabis users.
If you like weed yourself, consider making helping mother earth a priority here too. Grow your weed organically, leave chemical interventions aside as much as possible and stimulate soil life in the meantime.
The Organic Grow Book from Biotabs
The best start you can make is to read up on the subject! As a reading tip I would like to recommend The Organic Grow Book by Biotabs.
This thick pillar is full of tips and knowledge to train your green fingers and be kind to mother earth. And of course to encourage big yields of cannabis!
High yields of medicinal cannabis for home growers
Of course you want to enjoy high quality cannabis, with a great taste and even better effect.
All this and more is absolutely possible. Home-grown cannabis tastes better in any case, because you have put the necessary effort and attention into it yourself.
At the same time it is not that difficult to grow your own plant! In future articles Sirius will show you how you, as a beginner, can build up your own cannabis stock with a few handy supplies and knowledge.
Some info to get you started:
- Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis
- Find the right grow tent, lamps and pots
- Cannabis: Entire life cycle
- Water: Essential for you and your cannabis plant
- Synthetic or organic nutrition for (cannabis) plants?
Share this knowledge with your friends, relatives and distant neighbours!
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