Strong hallucinations and visuals on magic truffle trip? Read about the possible effects
You think you're all prepared for your magic truffle trip. You have read blogs about the right dosage, set & setting and made a comparison between the strongest psilocybin truffles. You have received tips from an experienced psychonaut about possible hallucinations and visual effects. Yet your magic truffle trip turns out to be totally different than expected, how is this possible?
Experience stories from trip reports
Take a look at the website of and you will be amazed by the many different experience stories that people can have on psilocybin mushrooms. One has the trip of a lifetime, where everything becomes clear at once. Another thinks he is dying. Yet another is flooded with images of past lives. Another is confronted with his greatest fear.
There are also various visual effects that can occur. Although it is not common to see flying elephants pass by, you may experience intense hallucinations in which objects change shape and color, things start moving and the face of your tripping partner is stretched into an unrecognizable stretch.
In this blog I discuss some excerpts from experience stories of users who took magic mushrooms or magic truffles for the first time. How can you best prepare for a first time tripping with magic truffles? By informing yourself well, reading informative blogs and articles you get an idea of what might happen. Talking about possible effects and reading trip reports of other users will give you an idea of what others have experienced. In this blog I will discuss some possible forms of hallucinations that are common under the influence of psilocybin.
A trip report on Erowid, written by one Chloglith, goes as follows:
"Then the colors of everything changed to baby blue or pink, and the whole room looked like a playroom for babies. Some random objects in the room even started turning into toys. It was bizarre.
The only thing that remained normal was the TV, which I was still watching while these things happened. For some reason I wasn't that surprised at what was going on, I know it was weird but I was still interested in Family Guy.
Suddenly B's feet looked like pig's feet. Both of his feet were sort of together, forming the two halves of a pig's foot. I think I was seeing double because there were two of them. It was weird, but I was still calm, and just enjoyed it."
What types of visuals are there?
As you can read in this magical truffle experience, there are a lot of terms used to denote the visual effects you can have with psilocybin. From intense color changes to hallucinations where objects change shape or transform. The following is an overview:
- Improved sharpness in vision: a common visual effect is a clearer gaze and sharpening of the image. Your eyes can absorb details much better and elements in the field of vision are crystal clear. You can compare it to the lens of a camera.
- Intense colors: As the cliché images of trippy cartoons might suggest, you may be faced with a range of intense color patterns that alternate.
- Double vision: Where you see the same thing twice, like when you squint. In extreme cases, it becomes complicated to perform something simple like tying your laces.
- Tracers: are described as trails that form behind a moving object. This can range from a translucent appearance that disappears after a few seconds, to a completely dominant change in your field of vision. You can compare it to photography with slow shutter speeds.
Also read this blog: "Mushroom Growkits 100% Mycelium: which one do you choose?"
How long does a trip on magic truffles last?
The duration of a magic truffle trip can be irrelevant during the experience itself. A trip can sometimes seem to last indefinitely, causing you to lose the sense of time completely. Sometimes you don't know how long you have been tripping, let alone how to read the clock. A trip’s duration is between 4-8 hours.
What can you do while tripping?
If you are overwhelmed with colorful visual effects while tripping on magic mushrooms, it can be difficult to focus on anything at all. The more you fight against the effects of psilocybin, the harder the trip can get.
A tip from experienced psychonauts is to let yourself get carried away with the psychedelic effects of the trip. Whether you get visuals you expected, less powerful visual effects than you thought, or strong hallucinations. Try to enjoy it as much as possible and not interfere with the direction the magical truffle trip is going.
The come-down
On average, a trip lasts about 6.5 hours. When the peak of the experience is over, you start the so-called come-down. You return to reality. For some, this is a wonderful moment when you can philosophize about just-acquired knowledge. This can also be an excellent moment to smoke a joint. As you can read in the experience story of 91:
"I walked to the ledge and sat down with my friends. We were all starting the come-down now. While most people least appreciate the end of the trip, I always enjoyed it. We sat there, talking about our travels and watching the sunset reflect on the clouds. But mostly we sat there quietly, smoking weed from a pipe to process the transition to sober reality and enjoying the tracers of the sunset and geese flying by."
Tips for the best visual effects during your magic truffle trip
There are many different types of visual effects that can be obtained under the influence of psychedelics, such as with magic mushrooms and magic truffles. The possibilities are largely determined by your tolerance, the dosage and your already acquired experience. The intensity of the effects can make for a wonderful trip, but can also be overwhelming. Are you a beginner and do you not yet know what to expect? It is wise to always start with a low dose, for example half of a 15 grams box of truffles. This way you can check how you react to the effects of the trip.
If you are absolutely sure you want a strong trip with many visual effects and strong hallucinations, it is smart to go for a higher dose, to choose a stronger strain of truffles, or both. You increase the chance of strong visuals by taking a stronger magic truffle strain and taking a dose of 10 to 15 grams.
Interesting blog, "How do I prepare for a trip with Magic Mushrooms?"
What are the strongest magic truffles for visual effects?
In the Freshbox magic truffle assortment of Sirius, you will find different types of magic truffles. Which ones are the best for visuals? Truffle species like Dolphins Delight, Golden Teacher and Space Shuttles are some examples of perfect psychedelic truffles with which you can get visual effects. Actually, all kinds of truffles are suitable
Mothers Finest: For many customers of Sirius, it is clear that Mothers Finest is perhaps the best magic truffle strain when it comes to visual effects, cosmic journey and insights into your own life. Mothers Finest from Freshbox has its own score profile and gets the highest points in terms of Funny/Laughing, Body High/Energy, Hallucinations/Visuals and Auditive hallucinations. 10 out of 10!
Mystery Mix - Special editions: The three new additions to Sirius' Freshbox magic truffle range are the Mystery Mix Green, Orange and Purple. Ranked this way in terms of intensity as well. They score well on both visual and auditory effects and are suitable for experienced psychonauts.
Order magic truffles online at Sirius
The online magic truffle shop of Sirius offers you different strengths of the best magic truffles of the Freshbox range. Order from Monday to Thursday before 4pm and get them delivered the next day. This applies to delivery throughout the Netherlands. Do you live somewhere else in Europe? Then you can also order magic truffles at Sirius. They will be delivered to your home within 1-3 working days.
Are magic truffles legal everywhere in Europe?
In the Netherlands sclerotia, also called magic truffles, are legally available in smartshops. All other smartshop related products, such as mushroom grow kits, heat mats, spore syringes and supplies for microdosing with psilocybin are also available from us. In Europe there is free movement of goods. It is not possible for Sirius to check if the possession of magic truffles is legal for every country in Europe. Therefore, check before you order if it is allowed to order psilocybin mushrooms according to the law in your country.
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